USA and their ethnical problem. Filling my bunker with popcorn.

Par MrRenev
Mis à jour
Did you know there are more "whites" with black skin than whites with white skin? Or as many idk didn't count.
Oh the irony...

Sorry but I cannot talk about the USA situation without talking about races. It is the whole issue...
First I want to say there are not enough genetic variations in humans to really be talking of different races. We are even a little "too close" to each other for our own good (makes me wonder how there can be so much variance in intelligences - might not be purely decided at birth...)

The 3 "races" are classified this way according to the shape of the skull mostly.
What those are actually are not races, but taxons. The US are a mix of taxons and they are the only ones with an issue with this. Well europe too a little, with WW2 "superior race" and everything...

The 3 taxons are Caucasoid, Mongoloid, N**** XD. Not going to spell it. There are more on isolated islands but it is not relevant to this idea.

Caucasian =
Aryans (Literally means Indo-Euro-Syrian I do not need to say where they are located)
Hamitic (East Africa warzone Ethiopia Somalia etc + North of Sub-Sahara + North Africa but they are in complete denial about it)
Semites (Arabs and Sephardi Jews so middle east basically and East and North East Africa)

Mongoloid = South East Asia, East Asia, Finland, Americas.

N*** = Africa below 15° latitude more or less + Australia originally.

The upper caste in India I think are the Aryans. Actually hilarous. And sad. They were NAZI way before Hitler.

I think we should know about this.

The thing is different taxons hardly live in harmony together. If they do there is a segregation or something.
I am not saying this is what a want, just what I witness.
Even different looking people of the same taxon kill each other welcome to Rwanda.

There is a growing HATE in the USA against whites. In the moron population which is about 3 quarters.
You only need 3 quarter supporting you to get elected, votes are not balanced by wisdom or IQ.

Muslims are abhorred. They play the victim card when possible but the hate is too much.
White men are HATED. Almost as much as muslims. While women are victims, for now. Weird.
Indians are playing dumb "oh look at us we have dark skin we good guys" haha nice try, JUST WAIT.
"Hispanics" are on the "victim" side, but only when they have a tan. Make sure to go to lower latitudes every summer.
Mongoloids just mind their own business and try to stay away from this.

Those are just simple facts anyone can notice. In history there has always been issues between people that were different (different skull shape / behavior / size / hair / religion / skin color but honestly skin color is not a big deal lmao it might be if people skin would not change all the time).
Yes you heard that right, they are always talking about skin color but it does not matter that much to people.
People do not see as different those that spend all their time tanning and have orange lips. Oh wait bad example.

It is just the way the majority is. And those that say "this is taboo" and are super offended and all that kind of thing are the ones that have a problem.

There is going to be a civil race war or at least a dismantelement of the Union mark my words.
It is anyone guess who will Brexit first. My guess is Louisiana.

Add in the way the interest rates, bonds, indices are, and how everything explodes into massive bubbles (IPOs, Bitcoin...), and add that every one and their grandma has access to markets via 2 clics. Already mentionned in a DJI idea not going to repeat it all.

Add global warming + pollution etc and all the unforseen (even thought obvious) consequences:
- Death of Vultures in Africa and India = first line of defense against epidemies lost
- Rising sea levels (not a big deal)
- Heat waves more and more
- Explosion of mosquitoe populations (combined with Vultures decline HA-HAH-HAHAHA what a time to live in)
- I bet no one thought of this: the hotter it is the less people can concentrate. Ever notice how the biggest economies were in cold temperate places?

Ye sure as usual I'll get called crazy. But it will happen whether people bury their heads in the sand or not.


Oh this will all be interesting...
Part 1/2

Conservatives are triggered dems started speaking spanish at a speach.
I do not see why, and I do not understand how spanish speakers/everyone did not explode in laughter or blush, this is the most pathetic form of boot licking I have ever seen.
Sycophantic lackeys, boot lickers.

So today, a conservative group (project veritas), after having a video they made exposing google plans to interfere with next US elections (this is so awful) using a whistleblower info, and having their video banned at the same time by several tech giants + their account banned, have seen a US Senator from Texas re-upload it on his channel.
Tensions are escalating between the coasts and the bulk of the US.
Need to check how many people live in each areas.

In 2010, 123.3 million people, or 39 percent of the nation’s population lived in counties directly on the shoreline.
Half of US Population Lives in Coastal Areas (Infographic) - This includes Salt lake and Texas coasts etc.

Ye so I would say it would be between 1/3 vs 2/3 and 50/50.
Trump got elected so the not-far left are majority.

Also, remember every US president from Abraham Lincoln to Kennedy that tried taking down the international banking cartel having the US debt slaves to them got assassinated. The US did get rid of their Rothschilds masters when they moved to a FIAT currency and later abandonned the gold standard.
And what happened since then? The USA became a massive superpower and today are number 1 (The Soviets collapsed I guess socialism was not such a good idea huh).
Bad thing is now things have gone too far with this... The PRIVATE central bank have kept interest rates too low too long and what idiot did all this quantitative easing?

German people were so tired of the Rothschilds grasp on their private central bank that they supported a fascist. We forgot about what happened with all this because they started WW2 and had concentration camps (+ all the lies people got fed since then).
Germany was starving, people lost their farms or othe properties to the Rothschilds when they had too much debt.
When Hitler got rid of the private central bank & gold standard & started printing his own FIAT currency and said "1 printed mark will equal 1 mark of work" (this part is important too...), his country went from 30% unemployement third world country ruins to superpower with full employement in TWO YEARS.

The situation with the US is different from Germany at the time, and different from the US 150 years ago (when states in big debt to the Rothschilds were made forced to pay by any means necessary by the federal gov).

There is high employement right now for one. Listen to what Warren Buffet says about all this and how it is not sustainable.
Part 2/2

And you also have Facebook wanting to do their own currency...

The US have to get rid of their central bank nonsense, or at least give them much less power, they started with naive wishes "oh lets let them do this and this and that so we won't feel the pain of a bubble again" just made things worse ... was so obvious it would but whatever ... And also, they have to get rid of all controlling tech giants.

And the ethnical or "fairness" issue they have in that country is only going to get worse.
USA versus its coasts cold civil war is the minimum to expect imo.

Emerging/re-emerging economies will probably be way to go investment wise i n the future.
The US has to take care of their many issues first, then they will bounce back, but that is in a pretty long time. If it splits in 2 with east coast + west coast together would that work I wonder? Same country but lands so far away.

As for emerging economies I believe the ones too look for are going to be the ones in countries situated at 30°N to 60°N (maybe up to 70°N with global warming) and 30°S to Antartica.
So you have South Africa after their recessions are over, or never, North Africa, Ancient soviet countries are so obviously going to go back to strong economies, NOT all the Asia desert countries (Khazakstan etc), North Korea if they ever do a revolution, Argentina maybe, Jordanie, these are the ones I can think of, not that many.

From historical evidence, the countries close to the equator are too hot too full of mosquitoes to ever be economical powers. Apart from Singapore and Hong Kong, every single economical city in the top 100 is located in 30-60 latitudes.
With big tech improvements (for example China is turning deserts into fertile lands), maybe the barren lands can become strong? Good luck with glocal warming thought...

So here you have it.
Going to get some popcorn, see how octopus - er I mean google - is going to react to that Senator move. Also, shouldn't the FBI investigate? And emmm idk, send them to jail for high treason?
S&P hit 3k.
I warned oh I don't know barely a few months ago that the "victim groups" would end up being treated just like the first evil ones (muslims and white men I guess) as the western world sinks back into dark middle ages.

Well. There has been a ton of women that were put in the "evil" side, and harassed attacked etc. Slowly going from poor victims we must help "muh feminism" to oppressors.

Also, some girls that got raped and have proof were ignored, probably because of too many liers that were taken seriously (no one could have seen that coming).

I must say I laughed when I read this:
Woman arrested for "controlling behavior" after telling husband to help out with house chores.
In the UK.

The "good people" in the UK are still opposing brexit which was voted years ago.

Anyone remember the NAZI SA? Well they are back. Now they are called Antifa.
They are just happily assaulting people in the street in the US, old white men in particular, making them bleed really nicely, while authorities in "we're the good guys" states look away.

Interest rates in europe are negative now, or will be, I don't even know I do not want to look anymore it's a complete clownfest.

Not too hard to put the pieces together.
In the long run can backflip completely, a fascist hero can free the world of the liberal oppressors (and then become a dictator like in african countries remember Gaddafi started as a hero that freed the country).

Oh ye, the national socialists that want to fight nazis keep making bigger lies about the Trump administration also (because they do not know what NA - ZI stands for which literally means them how retarded did people become).
Maybe a coup? Would be funny.

Oh man, this is so much.

SnP target 1 point?

WHY are central banks trying so hard to pump the price up???
They want to end up with their heads on spikes?
They want to go to concentration camps?
Idk maybe this is what they want.

Going to fall massively, just incredibely massively.
No one is ready for how massive the ultimate crash will be.
The higher it goes the worse it will be.
People are just blindly throwing their money in rather to keep it in the bank and get 0 or pay negative rates. A massive herd. Millions and millions of people that otherwise would not be interested. And complete amateurs.

Complete civil war in the US/world.
When Hitler came to power the german economy recovered 100% and beyond in 2 years so if this happens again easiest get rich quick scheme ever. And then short it when he declares war to the soviet union. Whatever we will see.

Going to need more popcorn.
People forgot how things were 10 years ago and in 10 years they will have forgotten how they were today.

People that tell me how ridiculous my ideas are forget even faster than that.
Even less than 5 years, even 3 years is too much for some.

Sucks to have the memory of a goldfish.
Someone posted this on Twitter:

1) 2008.
Boomers: The housing market is crashing, I need a bail out
Millennials: No, I shouldn't have to pay for your bad decision
Boomers: You don't know anything, we are bailing ourselves out and you should go to college and learn how economics work.

2) 2019.
Millennials: Ok, I went to college, studied economics, and now I'm in enormous debt. I need a bail out.
Boomers: No, I shouldn't have to pay for your bad decision

*Crunch* *Crunch* *Chomp* *Chomp*
Fill the blank:

In 1970 Russia military spending (and USSR) went up to 1rst place and went parabolic. 20 years later the Soviet Union collapsed.

In 1988 the USA got first place and in 2001 their military spending went parabolic (even supernova). 20 years late the USA _________.

I am not making any conclusions XD
Dow & SnP got to new highs but Trump and Powell are facing resistance.

The french just approved of a huge tax on tech giants making Trump angry. He mad.
Tech giants would lose near 1 billion in revenue.

I totally approve of this move, and hope it encourages other countries to do the same.

Really comes at a convenient time fishy...

France got bored of waiting.
The OECD has said it won’t come to a conclusion on a so-called digital tax until 2020.

Tech companies got in a new bubble so quick after the last one it is ridiculous, plus it even got to their heads.
Devs there are paid 3 times as much as elsewhere, they try to control the planet "Umbrella corp".

Every noob that did not experience the 2000 bubble got excited by "price went up" Amazon Apple etc and these idiots all want to throw their money into the "latest thing" regardless of value or anything.
Offer I ounce of gold dusty and not looking great they'll only offer $20 rub it make it shiny they are willing to pay 25 million.
There are alot of noobs, and alot of fake money can be printing out of thin air regardless of gdp.

So it's like nothing makes sense anymore.
All I know is same as Warren Buffet (and Charlie Munger), it will end badly.
That's all I know. Noobs will get uber shrekt. Next year, next 5 years, next 10 years, I don't know, but the higher we go the harder the fall.
It is escalating again.

Describing it as I see it:

1920s: The Rothschilds buy german central bank (it is relevant to note they're jews).
1929: Big stock market crash in the US makes things worse.
1930s: Things do not go very well for jews in germany.

(late) 2010s: Refugees and Immigrants, in particular refugee that the US saved from a war and from starvation, and completely ungrateful, have infiltrated congress, spend their time criticizing the country, its laws, its traditions, its president, etc. They lie all the time, and the media is on their side (jews btw, idk maybe they enjoy being persecuted sorry but I describe it as I see it).
The USA is infested of violent local terrorists (antifa).
Communist ideas are being thrown out on a daily basis.

2019: The world stock markets are extremely expensive. The USA are the ones the most in a bubble, 8 of the world top 10 companies by market cap are US.

2020s (or 2030s): THIS TIME IT IS DIFFERENT.

Ah also, we are entering a currency cold war. And the FED might get dismantled.
Maybe make a new one with less power, or take back some of the power they gained during the last bubble(s). Or go back to gold who knows.
President Donald Trump said he is considering classifying ANTIFA as domestic terrorists.
The communists that have infiltrated the country are still planning a coup they are trying their hardest to impeach him it is escalating on this side too.

Let's get this party started. Civil war go go!

Just keep it inside of North America. Especially nuclear bombs.
I'll be watching from the comfort of another continent separated by an ocean.

Just a fun fact, Robinhood "app" was missing the sell button last week.
This is so pathetic, pathetically hilarous! Noobs are still buying and buying.

People responsible for the economy in europe just as in the USA are acting blissfully ignorant and helping this bubble grow, Japan debt is not even funny, China is crushing the revolt in Hong Kong, their economy is slowing down / reversing not going to list all the numbers but they are negative.


When the bubble is going to blow the fireworks will be biblical, might as well appreciate the great show.

When people start dying and living in poverty people are going to call me a monster for not caring or for speaking like this... Oh my bad for seing it coming years before every one else when they didn't care.
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