19 mai 2021 17:05

the dogs bark and the carousel keeps turning in the DJI 

Dow Jones Industrial Average IndexTVC


The Covid disaster has already been anticipated on the US stock market - not an issue! But what now?
The positive attitude that the new US government saved in the first few days and weeks seems exhausted. One almost gets the impression that the democrats in our so-called West, primarily politically left-wing liberal (but also conservative), are more afraid of worrying about the everyday economic life of their voters again instead of keeping them in check with ever new political sanctions hold down. That`s why the 4 years under Trump appear more and more in a brighter shining sunlight - compared to the current government of Biden & Harris in the White House.

I wouldn't be surprised if we see the Covid Rally sell out this summer. Since the stock market is known to be the future. And it doesn't look any better with the new administration than it was in 2020 under Trump. War images from Israel, the change of the USA from an energy export oriented oil country to green energy - which only drives up prices and taxes for all Americans (like here in Germany). And the Democrats' fear that the population will no longer believe the Democratic narrative that Trump was a racist 2022 and or 2024. And that`s why democrats are restricted the freedom of their voters more and more, because they were afraid, like parents suffer from the Munchausen syndrome (Factitious disorder imposed on self), because they are afraid of the insignificance in the public media.

How ever,
if you`re long since April 2020 above 20.000 taking profits around 33.000 Points are more than likely.
  • > 33.000 points LONG
  • < 33.000 points SHORT

Because the trees do not grow into the sky.
And the stock market under Biden Hariis certainly not, if I'm not mistaken.

may the price action are with U!