22 mars 2015 20:55

IBB watch - parabolic - 3/22/2015 

iShares Biotechnology ETFNASDAQ


Typical parabolic move, and we've seen this for gold, bitcoin, etc. etc. I am watching it for signs of collapsing and seeking to profit from it. This may take some time and needs patience. Will update periodically.
zoom in a little
the big blue channel is to wrap in as many price data as possible, but still i have to leave up some
next, in that blue channel, price having touch channel bottom(support) on July 2012, it have been engaging in purple accelerated channel and i believe if the blue is valid, price will want to touch it at least once, exact time unknown, i will follow the purple channel, until at least i see a topping pattern such as rising wedge, or HS
i had an unsuccessful short previously, but lets see whether the new channel can tell where is the resistance
It has to fall out of your channel first... before we are even able to talk about a trend change. Hard to pinpoint the exact top though but move like this apparently is not sustainable. Patient and patient, let it come to us.
You and me both...i just sold off too early