14 mars 2014 14:37

Mastercard MA downtrend if < 78 short term, <79-80 medium term Short

Mastercard IncorporatedNYSE


MasterCard MA

Credit Card Processing = $87 BILLION MARKET CAP

I think Bitcoin is challenging the fundamental valuation of these "transaction processors". If we assume that bitcoin is even a small threat to this establishment, then we can also assume that there is a lot of firepower behind wanting to keep this amount of market cap in tact. Nearly $400 BILLION of wealth is tied to the right to process credit card transactions, which barely touches on the value of the information that is gleaned from credit card use and the "social network" of having so much information about all of your people in your network. The credit card processors actively sell their user names for cash, which is a former of advertising. Hence, I think we can use these stocks as a yardstick for valuing Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and others. Which brings me to an important question, the $64,000 question: Which would you rather own??? Social Networks or Cash Flow Networks?

MasterCard Mkt Cap $87 Billion
Visa Mkt Cap $140 Billion
Discover Mkt Cap $27 Billion
Capital One Mkt Cap $42 Billion
American Express Mkt Cap $97 Billion
Total $393 Billion market cap for the right to process transactions and all of the associated services (usury hidden by fees)

Tim 10:36AM Friday, March 14, 2014 (Pi Day 3.14)
Still regret selling V run @ 60 to 80, so i figure id pick up MA in the next few weeks when it hits around 70. Social Networks or Cash Flow Networks? Cash flow networks surely sounds better. PS i noticed Google uses MA cards in Google wallet too.
Im calling nailed on this one.
Hit the play it forward button, great call, the price hit the stops and is crunching a bottom call?
Interesting :)
Great insights!
Also - the purple bars are UP bars, the orange bars are DOWN bars, the green bars are INSIDE and OUTSIDE bars. I prefer to look at them this way. The moving averages are of the UP bars and the DOWN bars, only.
I want to personally thank user vlad.adrian for bringing this chart pattern to my attention! Thank you vlad.adrian! Thanks for pointing out the big waves down on heavy volume. Because of your question, I put this chart together and let's hope that it works. All the best, Tim
Thank you for your appreciation Tim, and thank you for putting up a great chart! I totally agree!