26 mai 2018 05:29

Evolution of price action trader: part 3 Éducation




This is the third part of my series as “Evolution of price action trader”. I suggest you go through the first two parts for continuity. In the closing remark of previous article I had understood the goal of me as price action trader is to be, “The market”.

If I am the market what make me exist?. The very essence of my living as market should be something like the heart beat for us, Lub.. dub….; Lub dub….. When I realized this simplistic concept, our life existence does not matter whether it is LUB or DUB, both are required, both are required in abundance, in harmony to each other; Extending this concept on me as “the market”, to exist as the market I need similar lub and dub and for my easy comprehension I named as “TIC…..DIP……”; TIC…. DIP….. And it does not matter whether you are now at TIC or DIP; I HOPE THIS CRAZY THOUGHT IS EASY FOR YOU TO FOLLOW. The harmonious lub..dub closely works with smooth breathing for us to live and enjoy this life. In similar way TIC.. DIP also works closely with smooth movement of the market. We shall dwell into that later. First things first…

How do I realize the TIC… DIP …… is happening; what is parameter that I have to see whether the market is alive and kicking or dead. The answer is ORDERS AND ORDER FLOW. BIG FULL STOP. If the order flow exists, then market exists. If not, market is dead.

The extrapolation of this fact is that, whenever you are in TIC mode, you exist as buyer character of market and whenever you are in DIP mode exist as seller character of the market. It is like two sides of same coin. Good and bad!!! As I realized, my next quest was to immediately know, “how do I know- how good I am or how bad I am or am I both sometimes”?? If both co-exist then how much of good is there in bad and vice versa? Is the hidden character that exist in my co-existence that identifies me?? Or it is the dominant character that identifies me? How to identify my character?? How do I know the strength of my character? And lastly how much is my will power to stay in my character? As I relate more and more to be like a market, I realize I have to understand deeper to have a flawless picture.

I shall share with you the way I experienced all these in the upcoming articles.
Signing off,
Sathya nr