29 juil. 2020 23:21

[SPX] New EMA Model Based on Fib Sequence... Sneak Peak! Short

S&P 500SP


Nothing too fancy here... I'm just kinda over indicator reading and wanna dive in more on EMA modeling to better dial in my buy in and sell off points.

Indicators seem to be better predictors of nearer term movements on the order of days and weeks but are not too great at the bigger picture.

I focus on FOMO swings, sometimes intra-month if I nail the timing but mostly shooting to cash in multibagger swing trades on the 3-9 month scale or intra-year.

Here EMAs have an advantage and are better suited for capturing these swings.

What I'm looking for is stratification in order and divergence basically. Then just follow price through the lines.

By this model we still probably need another few days or a week before a substantial downturn.

The 2 needs to get back above the 8 and the 34 above the 144. The greater the divergence between each level and overall, the harder the reversal will be. Price currently stuck right under the 8. I set the lines to 1W resolution too for some smoothing.

I cribbed my four line day selection from the Fib sequence starting at 2 and selecting every 3rd number. Seems like a reasonable place to start. I like to base this stuff on meaningful numbers rather than trading precedent.

This one still needs a name so don't hesitate to leave a cheeky comment, it just may make the cut B).