17 août 2019 04:34

Longish brief.  



What do you see, when you see american identity, take google constantly inovating, they took the idea to have notifications about bus routes to the customer personally and did something with the more recent editions of google including this feature. What do you get when you step in a panera or whole foods, constant change, from healthy meals that are seasonal, grab and go food boxes that fit the sub niche between peapod and foodbox delivery, best of items suggestions from youtubers advertising through a comparable cost benifit pipeline as star ratings, Many companies offer the best of both worlds, streamlining products that already fit and providing more unique options to choose from. The payed exists equal to the free in many cases as there are ecosystems that exist from free software like blender or wikipedia. Globally desalination will change the world, fresh crops will help to reverse climate change, People will get over the shock of technology quicker than before, id like to imagine that vr will change the education field just as it has the gaming field, but issues with motion sickeness may be present, Near future , biotechnology nanotechnology, the redesigning of the small, there is always one more discovery always around the corner, but the days of tomorrow will undoubtedly be the days of good and not only well enough as this is also the age of anxiety from terrorists and housing collapse, But those wounds heal slowly and there will come a time when better artificial intelligence decides the diagnosis, a corporation can only pull at the heartstrings till its the closing bell, regardless if trump plays any bold cards in the upcoming months, the economy will keep on rolling. I'm betting that the focus on the economy comes behind ensuring human rights in some bold ways.