27 mai 2014 04:37

The Fresh Market - Weekly - 50% Off Sale - Buy Long


Bargain? On-sale: 50% off the highest price! I generally like to see TFM get "beaten up" and then I take another look at it and see if I can buy it in the bargain bin, where it is today, nearly 50% off of its highest levels in the last year.

I've listened to previous conference calls after earnings reports and the research from the company was simply that "consumers that shop at The Fresh Market are not price conscious". They want quality in a nice environment and that's what they get at TFM.

The valuation has come down a long way and the market cap is finally less than the sales. Put another way, the steadily growing revenues now finally have surpassed the market cap. The dividend yield is at 2.85%, which is the highest in the public history of the stock and represents decent yield support. The company shows consistent after-tax profitability. So, when I see a stock at HALF-PRICE and solid valuation with consistent growth and a near-term disappointed shareholder voting with despair and dumping shares 50% off levels seen in the last year, then I take notice and want to get involved.

Further posts on the daily chart will outline a way into TFM shares. For long term traders, this is a place to get started. Risk 1 weekly range (average of last 10 weeks). Target, hold for 1 year or 30% return.
Is it looking at making a double bottom now?
Yes. Note my new chart today.
Last time I checked, TFM does not pay out a dividend... not too sure why TradingView is showing that it does.
I checked and you are correct that it doesn't show a dividend. That weakens my argument for this as a buy signal, but only a little. It could strengthen my resolve too as people sell stocks faster when they don't have a dividend when they are in a free fall or a 50% decline. If you watch your stock price plunge, a rational person should think, "Will this affect the company's ability to pay or grow its dividend over time?" and "Is this an opportunity to buy more shares in a good quality company?". So, I'll let TradingView know that there was an error in the data on this issue and feel free to check any other stocks you follow closely to see if you see anything else wrong. Thanks for your comment @DavideG DavideG.
Good news: I like to see some votes of confidence: The Chairman, Ray D Berry, purchased 435,000 shares in The Fresh Market between May 29th and June 2 at an average price of $30.47, which is $13.3 Million worth. Source: Form 4 SEC Filing
aaaaaand it goes up 5%:)
What a great return for such a short period of time. If they all could work this well. Good team work TradingView.
Im mostly checking news and only at some times get the chance to post an idea. Im trying not to post all ideas and vague ones, but i am not yet doing this full time. Still, i pay a great deal of attention to your charts as you are in the the top of user list that i arranged statistically due to the Hits the charts make :) spot on :)
I'd love to see your statistical analysis of "hits". Back when we used to have a "BULLSEYE" vote for a chart, I used to be in the 25% range for dead-on trades. But that stat disappeared, probably because.... well.... we can guess why that disappeared. Thanks for your comments 2use. I appreciate that you don't want to clog up the airwaves with tons of ideas. I think if you can boil it down to either 1/day or 1/week and put a good hour into finding and making a chart, then I think you will get a big return on your investment in your learning. All the best, Tim