So this is basically an update of my first chart.
1. The top white trend line of the triangle never changed but the bottom ones did so.. yeah just know that
2. The green line was the first bottom trend line i drew, that got invalidated but the does not mean, the trend line wont be respected in the future if price action comes in contact with price action and that goes for every new Valid trend line- if valid..
3. The Yellow line was my second, was really banking on that but it also got invalidated..
4. The Red button trend line is my newest one so that's what i'm banking on now for this to finish and break.
5. The cyan blue support trend line in the middle of the triangle is... well support, that i think is valid
6. Hopefully this breaks today cause i actually stayed up all night in vain so... Cross your fingers, and fore the sake of.. some sort of bias, I'm bearish... on this triangle but... you know how BTC can be just know.. Not financial advise, do your own ta, This is just an idea, were gonna hit low 6k anyway... if it goes up.. then.. whatever just wait it out if your liquidated price is decent. Plus were still in a bear market if that helps any sentiment. - Thanks