Library "threengine_global_automation_library" A collection of functions used for trade automation
getBaseCurrency() Gets the base currency for the chart's ticker. Supported trade pairs are USD, USDT, USDC, BTC, and PERP. Returns: Base currency as a string
getChartSymbol() Get the current chart's symbol without the base currency appended to it. Supported trade paris are USD, USDT, USDC, BTC, and PERP. Returns: Ssymbol and base currency
getDecimals() Calculates how many decimals are on the quote price of the current market Returns: The current deimal places on the market quote price
checkVar() Plot a string as a label on the chart to test variable value. Use str.tostring() for any variable that isn't a string. Returns: Label with stringified variable
getStrategyAlertMessage() Generates stringified JSON for a limit order that can be passed to the strategy alert_message for a long entry. Returns: Stringifed JSON for a long entry
taGetAdx() Calculates the Average Directional Index Returns: The value of ADX as a float
taGetEma() Calculates the EMA based on a type, source, and length. Supported types are EMA, SMA, RMA, and WMA. Returns: The value of the selected EMA
isBetweenTwoTimes() Checks to see if within a rage based on two times @retunrs true/false boolean
getAllTradeIDs() This gets all closed trades and open trades @retunrs an array of all open and closed trade ID's
getOpenTradeIDs() This gets all open trades @retunrs an array of all open trade ID's
orderAlreadyExists() This checks to see if a provided order id uses the getAllTradeIDs() function to check @retunrs an array of all open and closed trade ID's
orderCurrentlyExists() This checks to see if a provided order id uses the getAllTradeIDs() function to check Returns: an array of all open and closed trade ID's
getContractCount() calulates the number of contracts you can buy with a set amount of capital and a limit price Returns: number of contracts you can buy based on amount of capital you want to use and a price
getLadderSteps() Returns: array of ladder entry prices and amounts based on total amount you want to invest across all ladder rungs and either a range between ladderStart and LadderStop based on specificed number of ladderRungs OR ladderStart, ladderRungs, and LadderSpacingPercent
Notes de version
Added: getLadderInSteps() Constructs arrays used for creating strategy entry orders via a for loop Returns: array of ladder entry prices and amounts based on total amount you want to invest across all ladder rungs and either a range between ladderStart and LadderStop based on specificed number of ladderRungs OR ladderStart, ladderRungs, and LadderSpacingPercent
getLadderOutSteps() Constructs arrays used for creating strategy exit orders via a for loop Returns: array of ladder entry prices and amounts based on total amount you want to invest across all ladder rungs and either a range between ladderStart and LadderStop based on specificed number of ladderRungs OR ladderStart, ladderRungs, and LadderSpacingPercent
Removed: getLadderSteps()
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Added: getPriceOfFirstClosedTradeSince() This gets all closed trades since a provided bar number @retunrs three arrays: closed trade IDs, closing bar number, and closing price
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Added: getClosedTradeSince() This gets all closed trades since a provided bar number @retunrs three arrays: closed trade IDs, closing bar number, and closing price
Removed: getPriceOfFirstClosedTradeSince() This gets all closed trades since a provided bar number @retunrs three arrays: closed trade IDs, closing bar number, and closing price
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Updated: getClosedTradeSince() This gets all closed trades since a provided bar number @retunrs three arrays: closed trade IDs, closing bar number, and closing price
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Added: getLadderStart() Detect when the ladder has started to fill so that the ladder start can be locked to the initial strategy entry price. After trades close, reset it back to zero. Returns: Locked ladder start price and the bar number that the first ladder was filled on
getAveragePriceOfFilledLadders() Keeps count of the number of ladder orders that have been filled for an strategy entry Returns: maximum number of ladder orders filled
Notes de version
Added: getLockedLadderStart() Detect when the ladder has started to fill so that the ladder start can be locked to the initial strategy entry price. After trades close, reset it back to zero. Returns: Locked ladder start price and the bar number that the first ladder was filled on
Removed: getLadderStart() Detect when the ladder has started to fill so that the ladder start can be locked to the initial strategy entry price. After trades close, reset it back to zero.
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Added: orderAlreadyClosedSince() Checks to see if a trade has already closed since a past bar number @retunrs boolean of whether provided trade id has already closed since provided bar number
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Added: taGetVwap() Calculates VWAP based on provided src, anchor, and multiplier Returns: VWAP, lower band, and upper band
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Updated: taGetVwap() Calculates VWAP based on provided src, anchor, and multiplier Returns: VWAP, lower band, and upper band
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Added: getAlertatronAlertMessage() Generates stringified JSON for a limit order that can be passed to the strategy alert_message for a long entry. Returns: Stringifed JSON for a long entry
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Updated: getAlertatronAlertMessage() Generates stringified JSON for a limit order that can be passed to the strategy alert_message for a long entry. Returns: Stringifed JSON for a long entry
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Added: getAlertatronExitMessage() Generates stringified JSON for a limit Exit that can be passed to the strategy alert_message for a long entry. Returns: Stringifed JSON for a exit entry
Notes de version
Updated: getAlertatronAlertMessage() Generates stringified JSON for a limit order that can be passed to the strategy alert_message for an entry. Returns: Stringifed JSON for an entry
getAlertatronExitMessage() Generates stringified JSON for a limit Exit that can be passed to the strategy alert_message for a long entry. Returns: Stringifed JSON for a exit entry
Notes de version
Added a forward slash (/) between the symbol and the base currency to match Alertatron formatting.
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Notes de version
Added: getAlertatronEntryMessage() Generates stringified JSON for a limit order that can be passed to the strategy alert_message for an entry. Returns: Stringifed JSON for an entry
Removed: getAlertatronAlertMessage() Generates stringified JSON for a limit order that can be passed to the strategy alert_message for an entry.
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Changed ladder lot size to be a standard size for each rung instead of splitting a total amount across the number of rungs.
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Added: getRateOfChange() Calulates the rate of change of a series based on a look back length Returns: the rate of change as a float
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Updated: getAlertatronEntryMessage() Generates stringified JSON for a limit order that can be passed to the strategy alert_message for an entry. Returns: Stringifed JSON for an entry
getAlertatronExitMessage() Generates stringified JSON for a limit Exit that can be passed to the strategy alert_message for a long entry. Returns: Stringifed JSON for a exit entry
Notes de version
Added: getPairDividerForExchange() Generates stringified JSON for a limit order that can be passed to the strategy alert_message for a long entry. Returns: Stringifed JSON for a long entry
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Updated function description.
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v27 Split exchange settings out into two functions to fix a bug.
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Updated getAlertatronExitMessage() to include 'reduceOnly=true' so that the exchange doesn't open a short/long when TV is trying to exit a position.
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update getAlertatronEntryMessage() to include reduceOnly=true on the stop loss.
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Made avgPrice := na when not in a position
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Added: getCountOfClosedTradeSince() This gets the count of closed trades since a provided bar index @retunrs three arrays: closed trade IDs, closing bar number, and closing price
Notes de version
Added: closeUnfilledEntriesAfter() Constructs arrays used for creating strategy exit orders via a for loop Returns: array of ladder entry prices and amounts based on total amount you want to invest across all ladder rungs and either a range between ladderStart and LadderStop based on specificed number of ladderRungs OR ladderStart, ladderRungs, and LadderSpacingPercent
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Added: getAlertatronEntryMessageV2() Generates a string for a limit order that can be passed to the strategy alert_message for an entry. Returns: string that represents a block of entries for alertatron
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Added: getOrderAlertMessage() Generates a string for one or more orders to be placed on exchange using Alertatron Returns: string to be passed to Alertatron
getCancelUnfilledOrdersAlertMessage() Generates a string for the alert message needed to place a stopLimit order when a strategy produces an exit signal after hitting a trailing stop Returns: string to be passed to Alertatron
getTrailingStopAlertMessage() Generates a string for the alert message needed to cancel all unfilled orders with the matching strategy tag Returns: string to be passed to Alertatron
Notes de version
Added: formatEntryPrices() Formats array of entry prices to supported format Returns: CSV string of properly formated entry prices
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Add getEntryNames() function
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Added: getEntryNames() Gets an array of entry names for number of desired entries Returns: array of entry name strings
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Notes de version
Updated: checkVar() Plot a string as a label on the chart to test variable value. Use str.tostring() for any variable that isn't a string. Returns: Label with stringified variable
Notes de version
Updated: checkVar() Plot a string as a label on the chart to test variable value. Use str.tostring() for any variable that isn't a string. Returns: Label with stringified variable
getOrderAlertMessage() Generates a string for one or more orders to be placed on exchange using Alertatron Returns: string to be passed to Alertatron
getTrailingStopAlertMessage() Generates a string for the alert message needed to cancel all unfilled orders with the matching strategy tag Returns: string to be passed to Alertatron
Notes de version
Notes de version
Added "%p" to profitTargetAmounts
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Added \n to end of each alert message part to see if I can force some line breaks in the code.
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Notes de version
Updated: getOrderAlertMessage() Generates a string for one or more orders to be placed on exchange using Alertatron Returns: string to be passed to Alertatron
getTrailingStopAlertMessage() Generates a string for the alert message needed to trail the best price a certain distance Returns: string to be passed to Alertatron
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Notes de version
Updated: getLadderInSteps() Constructs arrays used for creating strategy entry orders via a for loop Returns: array of ladder entry prices and amounts based on total amount you want to invest across all ladder rungs and either a range between ladderStart and LadderStop based on specificed number of ladderRungs OR ladderStart, ladderRungs, and LadderSpacingPercent
Notes de version
Notes de version
Updated: getLadderOutSteps() Constructs arrays used for creating strategy exit orders via a for loop Returns: array of ladder entry prices and amounts based on total amount you want to invest across all ladder rungs and either a range between ladderStart and LadderStop based on specificed number of ladderRungs OR ladderStart, ladderRungs, and LadderSpacingPercent
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v59 Merged all of the Alertatron alert message functions into a single one.
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Removed old functions not being used anymore
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trying to fix a bug.
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Added: taGetDirectionalIndex() Calculates the Directional Index based on a DI Length Returns: directional index (float)
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Added: getAlertatronMarketEntryMessage() Generates Alertatron alert message for a market entry Returns: string of instructions for Alertatron to market enter side, amount, position, reduceOnly) =>
getAlertatronMarketExitMessage() Generates Alertatron alert message for a market exit Returns: string of instructions for Alertatron to market close a position
Notes de version
Fixed the offset and limit offset.
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Added: taGetExtremes() Calculates and average, min, and max for provided series using a lookback period and sample size Returns: Min, Max, and Average values
getLeveragedPercentAmount() Calulates the amount for an etnry based on leverage and percent of account you want to use Returns: float
Notes de version
Updating library to fix issue where using "Percent of Account" and leverage don't use correct quantity on bybit.
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Hotfix for leverage percent calulation.
Removed: getLeveragedPercentAmount() Calulates the amount for an etnry based on leverage and percent of account you want to use
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Hot fix to fix issue where Stop limit and stop limit offset were reversed on the exchange.
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removing adjustment of lot size so we can use the standard lot size input in a strategy.
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Update Alertatron Market orders to include tags for the pair and cancel any existing orders before placing new ones.
Fixes issue where conditional orders were left on the exchange.
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Added: convertTimeframeToString()
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Added Support/Resistance functions to the lib.
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v76 small update to the S/R function names.
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Added: taGetPercentDif() Calculate the percent difference between two numbers @retunrs the percentage difference between the two numbers
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Updated: taGetDirectionalIndex() Calculates the Plust and Minus Directional Index and the distance betwen the two Returns: The value of DI Plus, DI Minus, & Distance between them
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Updated convertTimeframeToString() to support current chart timeframe
v81 Includes a function to get the entry amount and contract count for TradingView Strategies and alert messages to Alertatron. Added: getLotSize()
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v82 Added function to get Alertatron pair override provided in strategy settings.
Added: getPairOverrides()
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Fixed the overloaded function issue that was introduced with the latest version of Pine.
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Fixed a bug that was introduced when TV added the "P" to the end of "USDT.P" recently.
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Fixed the getChartSymbol() function by adding support for "USDT.P"
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Base Currency Bug fix
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Adding support for USD.P currency.
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Fixing issue where traditional stocks don't work because they don't have a base currency listed as part of the pair.
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Added: getAlertatronOcoMessage() Generates Alertatron alert message for a market entry with a stop loss and profit target Returns: string of instructions for Alertatron to create an OCO order
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v90 Fixed stop stopLimitOffset in getStop when using "price" as the type.
Changes: - Functions now require a "strategyKey" to be passed which is used to add additional clarity to the tagging structure. This allows multiple strategies to share a single account on the same trading pair.
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