Title: MUJBOT - ADVANCED DAILY OPEN Description: The "MUJBOT - ADVANCED DAILY OPEN" is a versatile and user-friendly TradingView indicator designed to enhance daily trading strategies by highlighting the daily open price on the chart. This indicator is particularly useful for traders who focus on intraday price movements around the opening price of the trading...
Hello All, Relative Volume is one of the most important indicators and Traders should check it while trading/analyzing. it is used to identify whether the volume flows are increasing or decreasing. Relative volume measures current volume in relation to the “usual” volume for this time of the day. What is considered “usual"? For that, we have to use a...
Hello Traders, Linear Regression gives us some abilities to calculate the trend and if we combine it with volume then we may get very good results. Because if there is no volume support at up/downtrends then the trend may have a reversal soon. we also need to check the trend in different periods. With all this info, I developed Volume-Supported Linear...
Hello Traders, Recently we got new features in Pine such Arrays of Lines, Labels and Strings. Thanks to the Pine Team! ( here ) So I decided to make new style of Multi Time Frame indicator and I used Array of Lines in this script. here it is, RSI Multi Time Frame script. it shows RSI for current time frame as it is and also it gets RSI for the Higher Time...
Hello All, This is Market Profile script. "Market Profile is an intra-day charting technique (price vertical, time/activity horizontal) devised by J. Peter Steidlmayer. Steidlmayer was seeking a way to determine and to evaluate market value as it developed in the day time frame. The concept was to display price on a vertical axis against time on the horizontal,...