AUDUSD: Weekly downtrend expired, daily basing...

Par IvanLabrie
Mis à jour
We have a daily signal forming here, after the weekly trend expired in this pair. If price holds the recent bottom, we may soon start an uptrend which will give us a few trading opportunities to benefit from between now and the end of November. A rally back to resistance is what the chart implies, best case scenario for the bulls...worst case is we remain in a sideways grind and create multiple fake breakouts to wear traders out over time. To play this trend you may need to learn how to navigate the Timemode signals on chart, or have your own strategy to do so.

Best of luck,

Ivan Labrie.
#AUDUSD likely trending up from here, we may have a buying opportunity tomorrow on dips snapshot
AUDUSDBeyond Technical AnalysisChart PatternsfxkeyhiddenlevelsswingtradingtimeatmodeTrend Analysis
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