At the level of volatility Bearish outlook for #BTC
Personally, based on specific fragments of #bitcoin's history, I find a very particular plot in the year 2017 on which I base my analysis to demonstrate a possible development in the price. looking for key points such as USDT 38,888, and 24,777.
I do not call it a downtrend in the range which I analyze #Bitcoin, it is a correction of the uptrend, which is a natural environment of the market developing under the theory of the books. It would be a great thing. Where I would not hesitate for a moment to buy. #BITCOIN #HOLD # 2142
Volatility at this point can be strong, thanks to the rise of new #bitcoiners and those that have yet to enter the market. they will make the market fluctuate in higher ranges.
Seeing throughout how the price has been increasing fast, volatile that only those who take time and project their point well can be widely abundant.
Finally, it is a booming market that is growing very fast, with very futuristic projects, which is really what we should look at when investing in helping to build a better world. where we have the possibility to support ideas that are really worthwhile for the planet.
Maybe if you are richer in the future for knowledge.