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Nostradamus 101: BTC USD 1 Cycle Ahead 2022-24

Prologue - we are in one big shit show so get some popcorn

NSFW. TLDR - a 30-minute read that could give you cold sweats

Now that I've re-read it, it's a hard read, some things might be slightly out of context, but there is just too much, all I try to do is offer as broad a perspective as possible.

It has come to this - our governments have never been more full of shit than they are right now, blaming inflation on who? us? the retail investors? entrepreneurs and producers? Really? Spineless...

Before I begin with this educated/emotional rant about Power, Money and Greed - go on Youtube and watch a 3-minute video and let it be our baseline, only then continue reading this analysis - "Milton Friedman - Only Government Creates Inflation".

Now that you have, let's begin. Nothing is ever what it seems. Divide everything in half and make your own conclusions. This is not financial advice.

I publish this forecast to convince myself that in fact what I perceive and see of the world is no conspiracy but rather a conduluded game.

Disgusting to say the least; for a sentient species we are surely primitive savages.

Do your own research. Here goes a lot of things you might not want to hear. Sorry to burst your bubble, but someone had to.

Chapter 1: We are full of shit ourselves and better realize this soon

This first chapter talks about our state of mind and about all the BS that we continue telling ourselves. It will allow us to reflect on how full of ourselves we might actually be; only then do we have the opportunity to be otherwise.

People in crypto/stocks/commodities/real estate you name it are so full of themselves (or are so all-in invested) that they do not see beyond their microcosm (or don't want to...because they do not benefit from it since they are knee deep themselves), hence you get these weird projections that really have no macro basis, sure their projections are applicable to their industry, and many projections are correct (mathematically that is), BUT, they are inaccurate when it comes to the broader picture...and actual global implications..

For instance, how can Crypto evangelists talk to me about halving cycles (today) when inflation is actively eating into the salaries of retail investors who now have to use their undervalued fiat to purchase overvalued food (and this is the most basic equation that many crypto gurus do not take into account - as if they do not have a sense of the real world and real people), hence you ask yourself, which retail investors will buy into uncertainty when their very daily life has become uncertain? (basics, as in, affording food, let alone servicing debt like mortgages or otherwise).. and all this makes you wonder...

...If banks and institutions make money by moving money, and they make it from us the uneducated retail investors, then how will they make money now? From each other? Press X for Doubt.

The first step to understanding the state of the crypto market, is to unfuck thyself and take into consideration the bigger picture that is "the Great Reset Agenda" aka "New World Order"...

As for the "50% of all BTC holders are now whales argument" - you'll understand soon enough that it means squat.

For now the stark overview of our reality...

Chapter 2: The basics of World Order, the Great Reset and all the inbetweens

There is no way to keep this short, for it started a long long time ago... this second chapter will focus on some historic context; for once we understand where we came from can we figure out where we are headed. WW1 the world was somewhat multipolar with multiple spheres of influence (or countries that excert influence in their respective regions: US, Germany/France, Russia, Japan/China), after WW2 the world to a great degree became bipolar (US vs the Soviet Union or Capitalism vs Communism) and throughout the Cold War it was so, until 1992-4 when the world all of a sudden became Unipolar (US as hegemon and absolute material and moral authority in this world - or at least self proclaimed).

Ironically enough, even before that, US as any other empire started to over-extended (not geographically, but financially) - since the 1980s when Fiat was born, and ever since the sovereign has experimented with the debt-economy which was only possible due to the Petro-dollar policies, and the notion that all other countries would trade (import/export) through the greenback...this allowed for the dollar to become a reserve currency, and the US economy to boom beyond reason (on the thought of never ending growth and absolute use of $$$)....

Now in the early 2000s, a shift occurred, notably because US as the absolute hegemon was sending mixed signals, from one point of view everything was booming (right before the Dot Com bubble) from another, there were serious structural problems that were hidden under the rug, notably the fact that deficit spending was reaching unprecedented levels, and this only meant one thing - more printing, more circulating supply.. but for there to be equilibrium, you need demand... and demand was slowing down (only so much we can trade on the 'spot')

... until 9/11....

What happened next was the single biggest money laundering campaign of the 21st century and a way to keep the dollar strong (by exporting weapons to a war that was not only unjustified but arguably inhumane) - but how? Simple, through loans.. when you manufacture wars and make the disadvantaged party buy your exports, you inevitably create a stable income for the economy, hence economists can now forecast a more favorable 'future' price... besides....

leading to 2008, FreedieMac and FannieMay - two insurance companies were created, to bail out the same bastard bankers that probably had something to do with the war (hence why many call 9/11 a conspiracy... and sadly, and reasonably sure sounds like one particularly when we hear about the Rothschild involvement in WW2...)... anyhow why say all this?

To understand the following: 2001 the US went all in in the Middle East (as per their 1980s strategy to destabilize the Middle East and move instability up into the Soviet Union - you can find this in US gov archives....) - what did this mean, this meant that they put all their marbles on the idea that modern Russia would be destroyed and eventually implode on its own weight, thereby partitioned into a dozen puppets through which the US could regain any losses that they might have had, except, Putin came to power, and as a statesman, in the first years of his presidency did a lot to safeguard the Russian 'state' - hence what we see today is not surprise....not the 2022 Ukraine war (but that too), but rather....

The migrant crisis of 2015 in EU, why? Because two Georgian wars, Chechen war later... all of Russia's south border became secure, hence instability moved elsewhere, Europe.... and the killing of Gadaffi only expedited the process, and this is withstanding Ukraine so far, this is old news...marinating for 4 decades...

Now you ponder, why? Because as long as another major economy suffers, the US will always stay afloat with their printing press... remember, the belief in a currency is what makes it strong or weak... the 'future' value of that currency... it's and demand...are factors that suggest it is worth anything...and obviously earnings (as in government spending/earning; profit/deficit)... hence as a sovereign, the US went all in in Iraq/Afghanistan...

Now that you have historic context can you understand the following: New World Order was a 2000s doctrine to ensure that the US is the defacto 'boss' of the world, not 'leader' but boss (there is a difference), now... that failed with the BRICS resistance, and so, for the next decade or so we thought that this agenda is history, until the new version of NWO - the Great Reset (circa 2018-2020 pre-pandemic)...

The long story short of this agenda is this:
-Geopolitics -War -Pandemic -Famine -Poverty -Uncertainty -Control (body, mind and will)

To summarise the agenda and how it came to be you need to understand the Bielderberg Group and WEF - 'the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince us he didn't exist'.

The Bielderberg Group is comprised of the richest individuals in the world who meet (literally under a mountain) in Switzerland once a year to discuss the 'World agenda' - Clintons, Bushes, Bezoses, Gates, Buffets, Soroses of this world get together to devise plans to quieten us 'the herd' - so much for our virtuous shepherds - and I mean at this point it sounds like conspiracy theory... so to you I say, do some reading, and connect some basic dots... you'll get there...

The takeaway of all of this is: for the US to maintain its defacto leadership and for the West to win the final cultural battle, we need to subdue the middle class, or call it what it is: wipe it out... this way no one can complain when there is no one to complain...sounds dystopian enough for you?

FYI: if you think this is fantasy then you either live in a bubble, are too young or too naive... bye bye middle class... circa 2035 (we are not even talking about automation, AI, ML or otherwise)...

Much more can be said, but to summarize the reality we live in would take a whole encyclopedia, so I will leave you on this note:

"Nothing is what it seems, and 'our' good guys are only good because we are not directly negatively affected, yet" - so much for hypocrisy.

Then you ask me to choose a side...yuck...filthy want equality? Fuck everyone equally hard.

Now that you understand the stark underlining agenda of the New World Order/Great Reset can we move on with the rest of the nonsense.

Suddenly some nonsense will actually make sense...irony cuts deep.

Chapter 3: The washing machine that will help wipe out the middle class

At this point I am getting bored telling you/myself all this, but the long story short is this...

No matter what good intentions Satoshi had, there is a famous saying "The road to hell is paved in good intentions" - the easiest example is this - your mother loves you so much that she protects you from this world until inevitably you grow up not knowing how to deal with real life... and this is good intentions for ya'll...

What does this mean, it means that from the early days, shadow governments (Iran, North Korea, Russia, China etc) have been mining BTC and other cryptos on an industrial level, hence that first major crash that we saw in 2020 - which we were told was COVID induced... more like COMA induced... for us the dreamers who don't know any better...

Let us be real - the real use case of this decentralized cash... is black... and insecure... and volatile... and once it does what it was intended to do, we the retail investors will be the once scrapping it off the floor...

Here is a fun fact - say, most institutions and whales suddenly exit BTC what are we left with?

You think retail investors will ever in a million years get us to a trillion dollar market cap? They could... Let's do some basic maths: average retail investor holds $1,000 - then we are looking at a billion people....1/8th of the world population...needed to reach a trillion...

Now, evangelists will tell you fairy tales, why? Because as any other cheesy salesman they are invested in their own MLM pyramid, and obviously want to make a profit at your expense...DCA and what not.... I'm out of my mind?

Here is one of the many confirmed fun facts out there: Quantum computing will be the eventual downfall of Blockchain, as the technology will become obsolete... here is a fun fact, 3-4 weeks ago the first quantum computer has been made public to researchers... and that QC can already make a calculation that would take a supercomputer 9000 years in 36 microseconds (let it sink in - for this is already a reality...)... now... what does this mean? This means that the countdown has begun... this means that the eventual crypto of the future that we might end up adopting would need to be built atop new age blockchain technology that does not exist (technology which would need to incorporate quantum computing principles)....

Why is any of this relevant? It all is...

Remember how in 2017 pre-bull run it turned out that were are many ghost wallets? (ghost wallets - as in wallets inaccessible due to loss of passwords/keyphrases)..hence we had a sort of synthetic bottom which could not be breached... well to burst your bubble... as of 2-3 months now... some of those wallets are crackable...and sure it is painstaking and not a guarantee... but it is a thing... so this is to say that progress waits for nobody... and we either adapt to what is going on, or we just continue digging our own grave.

Having said all this, we still have a decade or two, but who knows...

All in all, this crypto experiment was a beautiful idea, but let us remind ourselves, it is still an experiment...ironically even if BTC survives the latter it will never be the same again... others could emerge, but at what cost....

The Doge days, the days of 'full retard' are over... whoever jumps in too early will eventually jump of a building... but hey, you need more perspective, here is some:

The reason we had that crazy 2020-21 bull run from 4K to 69k was because of: News of adoption, Papa Elon Tesla news, Hedge fund adoptions news, Amazon/Ebay news - but now nothing, silence of the lambs...

All we see now are implosions, UST and Celsius are only the beginning, Binance for instance is already showing red signals... I mean fellas you either connect the dots or die trying... then again, it doesn't mean they won't pump and dump it... it's still the Wild West after all.

Personally, and this is the subjective part: I see BTC going down to $3-7k, all the over-leveraged evangelists getting recked and a new cycle of evangelists emerging, and until the next cycle...but hey... we do not have long to go, for there are deeper problems out there, hence why crypto should be the last thing on your mind for now in 2022....but then again pumpy dumpy...humpty dumpty...

the world is in deep deep trouble and it only will get worst.... winter is coming...ironically...winter is coming, and with it: food/energy skyrockets and the average middle class is screwed, particularly if this is a 1-3 year bear/sideways market.... forced liquidations because people will simply not have money to support themselves...and worst...the banks will not help us cope... for all we know we might see austerity and forced cuts as we have in 2012-14 in the EU.

So when someone comes and describes the upside of one market to me (in this case crypto), in the midst of all this chaos, I say this: shove it up your ass, and stop selling your losses to me you wanker...but then again remember... feels pumpy dumpy this whole sham.

Sadly, and in all seriousness the world has changed, and all it took was 2 years of mindfucking; sure, psychological mindfucking (aka conditioning/propoganda) was going on for decades, for the entirety of human history, but the real damage was done in the last 2 years...we are in fact the weakest generation alive...and we probably deserve it (us with all our over entitled woke bullshit).

Chapter 4: The game of will, the game of reason; the human in inhumane

Now that we understood how full of shit we've become, how full of shit our governments are and how full of shit corporations are, can we understand how real screwed up our psyche is (for we think we are healthy, when in fact most of us are mentally unstable...even the stable ones...for when you think you are complete, that is when you are far from it).

Without talking about the deep state, families that run countries, let us talk about one aspect of our downfall - the Trump and 'Bye Den' presidencies.

First and foremost there was no better choice, and still he (Trump) was no choice at all, but let's for the sake of argument say that he was better than Clinton (which he still was, but then again, they all go out for coffee at their eyes wide shut parties, how? same families (Rothschild, Rockefeller... get it) who rule that respective country...anyhow, back to facts):

What Trump actually did was the following:
  • He discredited the seat of power - showing people that any orange fool/crook can assume the highest office in the world (no biggie, no education, no experience)
  • He discredited truthseeking - by claiming that all news is fake news, hence why we now can't believe one over the other, why? if everyone is full of shit why believe anyone... Believe Assange (ah yes he is in jail)
  • He discredited respect - for why be kind and empathetic to one another when you can be an asshole/bully and get your way
  • He discredited God - as in moral values, morality; for the good guys come last and the dirtbags always seem to get their way

All in all, he instilled into our very core that 'nothing matters, hence lawlessness is the next best thing'....and soon after we get Biden (probably a worst paradox)....

Takeaway of all this mindfucking... divide and conquer... we forgot about Occupy Wall St because it was substituted with Black Lives Matter - aren't we sheep.

For when Biden came to power it became worst, in summary - you can now do something bad, everyone sees it for what it is, but then you can always say you didn't do it, when everyone clearly saw that you have....dementia right....

The worst part, such behaviour is contagious for it forces us (society) to lie to ourselves in order to justify our own morality, for how can we condone such behaviour if we ourselves are savage greedy fucks?

That is the rupture....

To speak human - your central nervous system aka your electrical circuitry is comprised of millions of threads that run between cells and communicate with every cell, now... PTSD or shellshock as we used to call it happens when your nervous system (electrical circuitry shorts) in other words... when your actions contradict your beliefs - particularly when you lie to yourself about it... you can only lie so much before you confuse the fuck out of yourself.. and that is my friend where you snap... and worst of all... many have already snapped thinking they are dandy...hence why our generation is the defacto king of XANAX and anti-depressants...wonder why?

The powers that are want us to be as guilty as they are, for when we are all guilty, or feel guilty, can they start to justify their own sense of lunacy... don't fall for it... don't lose either have this real human experience, or you forever get lost in your synthetic 'it'....hence LGBT propaganda amongst kids (not education, but shoving agenda down throats), hence Critical Race Theory (which is really applicable to the US and the EU colonials but shoved down our throats - convincing us all to feel ashamed), hence BLM (which is lunacy, LIFE MATTERS period, and when you add a color in between you in fact are the racist...although I get the movement, what it has become is degenerate for it is the best example of divide and conquer), hence madness...feminism (which is great, but not when equality is at the expense of equity, for both go hand in hand)...

Anything taken to the extreme is bad for ya... anything... even love... and now you make me choose between extremes?

FYI: I am Ukrainian, both Ukrainian parents, 3 Ukrainian grandparents, 1 Russian grandparent, all passed the war, and I don't speak Ukrainian, I speak Russian, born in Kherson for some context... and now you sados are going to teach me who I am, I am who I am, and I know who you are, and to you brothers and sisters I say, I remind - you are who you are, and do not let some shallow shell of a lizard tell you otherwise.

Break free of this illusion, listen to some Alan Watts and Sadghuru, take a step back and re-assess this madness.

Now we are on the same page, I even got goosebumps, I know it's a lot, I know some information is more useful than the other, take what you must, divide as you must, and hopefully some of this offers perspective, that is all we could ever hope for.

Chapter 5: We are fucked but it doesn't have to be the end

We are waiting for the second coming, for judgement day - well let me burst the bubble - judgement day started with Twitter - we are in the latter days - the fight of good and evil IS upon us, it has been forever, but now more than ever. Worst of all, the fight begins internally, for our spirit has been corrupt, our mind has been conditioned and our emotions no longer our own... it is time to break of these frameworks that powers that are have beset upon us, time to see things for what they are... and this means showing no mercy in pursuit of the truth - the truth cares for no emotions, the truth just is, and there is no sugarcoating it, we either come to terms with all the bullshit, or we get swallowed by our own.

Peace brothers and sisters. Safe trading.

Now that you see the world for what it is, do something about it, become the strong leaders of tomorrow who stand up to the darkness that has engulfed us all.

The battle begins within.

Here is something that is cynically hilarious, at this point I am getting Joker vibes... this is insanity - Last few days the Wikipedia article on "Recession" is undergoing the unprecedented amount of editing - literally hundreds of revisions:) To compare, there were just handful of revisions in the previous months.|1101172473&action=history

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