Was that title clickbait enough to get your attention? Please take the short moment to read this. (Not for me but for yourself, you don't have to leave a comment, you don't even have to "like" this ..)
The amount of fools in this "game" called crypto is staggering.
The amount of ignorance paired with delusions of grandeur is overwhelming.
They calling themselves: Legend, Master, King, Guru .. having *Crypto*, *Trading*, *Capital*, *Invest* etc in their names, claiming to have financial education, claiming to have studied or worked with big firms, referring to themselves as "WE", with xx years of "experience".
Yet, most of them trade with petty-cash (if they even trade at-all..), rely on bullshit "indicators" they declare as "institutional" ("institutional" "smart money" "whales" seriously? 'big players' are in and out of the market BEFORE lagging indicators tell the 'retailers' something!) which have been PROVEN to not produce consistent results and often don't even grasp the simple concept of a trend (calling bearmarket while in an uptrend).
They don't get the difference between Linear or Logarithmic, don't know the difference between "investing" and "speculating", know nothing about human behaviour (which you need in order to understand market-movements).
The bigger their ego, the bigger their list of followers amounting to their so called "reputation" (which does NOT imply they're getting any good trading results or do good 'anal'-ysis (c), often far from it)
I really pity those people who follow such fools. I really do.
WAKE UP PEOPLE - nobody is getting you rich here, NOBODY
If you want to make money on crypto you have to do it YOURSELF.
Making some money with crypto can be so stupendously easy.
Even in those so called "bearmarkets" there is money to be made (and I'm not even talking about something stupendous like shorting (my opinion), which can vaporize every liquidity you've got)
Just keep it as simple as you can, if you don't understand those "indicators" - don't use them.
-NVT and RSI etc, high/red/overbought means nothing, it can get even higher, no guarantee it's going down, it can get down while the price stays flat (sideways)
-Moving averages .. don't get me started, look up my 'idea' about that one (attached below)
-Volume, tricky one, high volume usually is a good indicator of a strong move, yet often a "weak" (low volume) move ends up getting the price high enough to later cause FOMO
3 simple steps to keep in mind
1:) get your emotion out of it.
Don't be afraid to miss a "bullrun" (aka FOMO) better miss out on an opportunity than to buy too late and lose money because it started to retrace after you bought
Don't be afraid to "lose money" - if you can't miss the money .. stop right here .. not your game PERIOD, there is always some risk of losing
The moment your emotions take over, logic flies out of the window (your brain chemically blocks different areas, leaving you on autopilot)
... and be patient, sometimes a trade can take a lot longer than you initially anticipated (holding though a bearmarket for instance, you were convinced it gets higher eventually? than don't panic-sell because it gets down first)
2:) you can NOT predict future price, NOBODY can
A good 'anal-yst' (c) looks at how probable the next move is (for that you need to take A LOT of stuff into account)
3:) don't blindly follow ANYONE, don't take ANY-ONES advice for granted
YOU have to decide, YOU have to learn, YOU have to take the consequences of your actions
read what others think, especially if you disagree with them (don't give in to confirmation bias)
If you want to "follow" someone on tradingview, fine, do that, but countercheck EVERYTHING they claim (and maybe you'll see what kind of 'poop' most of these con-artist pull here, they do not care if you lose money on their crappy horoscopes uuhh "predictions")
Take note as to how the person deals with criticism..
Stay tuned for a (possible) update showing a simple trading method (if there is enough interest for it ..)