Par teehanming
Left-Chart - Buy below these indicator
Right chart - Analysis

Growth - Potential Growth of the stock price based on historical performance
Book - {Safety Precaution} Even if the company Bankrupt, you MAY still profit. Calculation based on all asset.
Net-net - {Safety Precaution} Even if the company Bankrupt, you have higher chance still profit. Calculation based on current asset only
P/E - Buy below this price if you want fast return on your investment.
Graham - Using Graham's number formula (Google it, I'm not sure how to explain)

Income Margin Average - Average Margin
Dividend Average - Average dividend
PEG Ratio - Indicator to show overvalued or undervalue share price. Over 1 is overvalued, under 1 is undervalued
Turnover - Measures the efficiency of a company's use of its assets in generating sales revenue or sales income to the company.
Beyond Technical AnalysismalaysiamalaysiastockmarketsahammalaysiaStocksstocktrading

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