Let me give you another nugget that shows that I have The Cat (Roaring Kitty) and his tweets/ timeline figured out:
You know The Cats Christmas tweet of the gift box?
Everyone wants to know whats in the box right?
Whats in the box are his ORGINAL shares aka his orders are finally about to settle and actual shares will need to be delivered.
How do I know thats what he is talking about?
In his tweet timeline after the "What's in the Box" tweet there is a clip from the movie Amadeus and that whole scene is about the fact that he is holding ORIGINALS of the compositions :)
The very next tweets are of Forrest Gump and its the scene about him (aka price) RUNNING and RUNNING :)
The tweets after the Forrest Gump ones are of Coldplay and Chris Martin is singing about going forward, then backward (i.e. price going up and down on the way up), then...........................................(MOASS)
The tweets after that are of E.T. leaving
You're welcome and feel free to post this to Reddit
P.S. I know what the other tweets mean too (well the ones that matter to his plan)