Bollinger Bands indicator is very interesting technical tool and perfectly shows volatility changes of financial instruments. Usually, when we have range market conditions, low volatility and price movement in a narrow channel give us a good trading opportunity. Periods of low volatility are followed by periods of high volatility. Bollinger Bands form the border of this range and provide possible levels for opening trades. When price breaks the boundaries of the range, we could see good movement and often the beginning of a new trend. We have to wait for volatility breakout everytime, when Bollinger Bands become narrow.
Once a candle closes outside Bollinger Bands and the lines start to diverge, we get a signal for opening trades. But note, we must have confirmation from ADX and MACD indicators for this breakout. Only after that we place a pending order above the high of the signal candle for long trades and below the low for short trades. The signal candle is the candle where we meet the following conditions: the candle closes outside the range formed by Bollinger Bands, the lines of indicator diverges, ADX rises and MACD confirms the direction of the trade.
We have an upcoming stop loss and profit target, which could be 2 or 3 times more then the size of stop loss. That allows us to pass easily a series of losing trades. Also note that the closer the bands - the higher price can go after the break. The growth of the ADX is necessary to enter the market. It indicates that the impulse grows and filters out false breakouts.