NQ Pivot Pending

Par DaddySawbucks
Mis à jour
Chart shows all; at the 0.50 Fibo, testing same R from, which rejected 3x; RSI diverging, MFI dwindling.

Trade at your own risk; this is not investing advice! GLTA!!
Shorted and closed EOD, pattern same as 11-15 Sep, forms a wedge after a gap; has to fill the gaps from Mon-Thurs; might gap again Friday IMO.
Well who knew LOL! Shoulda held overnite... IMO the panic over Trump's infection is overdone, expect a lift to form a right shoulder when excitement wears off; a brief Long opportunity exists IMO
Flipped calls at open for beer money
Closed longs for beer money; right shoulder formed; short entry IMO, sitting out for weekend. GLTA!
Transaction en cours
Shorting the retracement; $5 bear spreads short today's dailies
Trade fermée manuellement
Hold nothing over weekend IMO, can go either way. Whichever way it gaps Monday, Fade the Gap.
Transaction en cours
Shorting QQQ in 30 Oct 290P, bear spreads short the weekly 274P; just ten spreads to start; GLTA!
Added 5 spreads; gone overbought IMO, FOMO/MOMO and short covering
Chart Patternsretracement

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