Stock price is stagnant (more or less) since falling rapidly from ATHs. In 2024, prices consolidates between $4.5 and $6.5. OBV is on the rise (despite being negative), which implies that buyers stepping in. The main point for initiating a long position in RSKD is the Market Cap. At around $800 million, with annual revenues of $300 million (++) and a growing market (Fraud Detection and Fraud Prevention Industry stands at around $52 billion at 2024 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 22% nearly at $255 billion by 2032), I thing that in a year from now we can achieve gains close to 100% (or even more). Another good sign is the $75 million share repurchase program.
Caution: Because of the low daily volume it is hard to make a valid "guess" regarding the approximate time frame of the trade. Buyers must step in and more trading action is needed even if price falls. At least the ticker will be in more screeners around the world.