Hey guys,
For the Red count lovers out there ; -)
1/ 3897 is 20.48% percentage gain of wave 5 March's low. Therefore, using
Elliott wave basic 101 guides 3897 should be the top for this wave to say the
least. Weather this will hold or no is something else.
2/ Minor wave 5 of 5 of 5 March's low stand with percentage gain @12.72%
October 30- November 9 . Standing @ 4160
In Summary, just following Elliott 101 basic guides we should top between
3897 -4161. Bear in mind that 3897 is THE number to watch, as we can get
truncated in this final minor 5th wave. Therefore, i am writing 3897 down and
shall see will Elliott wave guides work or no ; -)
wish you the best.