Investment Idea for Long term Investor

rade idea for Long term Investors
High Reward Trade for High Risk Investors
Success rate 80% - 90%
"Realize Full Potential of a Stock by having Patience"

"Stock Market is more about What can happen rather-than what will Happen"
In Markets there is no 100% Guarantee but one can invest in High Probability Stocks


Rule 1 : Respect Target & Stoploss.
Rule 2 : Hold the Trade until the Rule 1 is not met.
Rule 3 : SL on Day Close Basis
Rule 4 : Never do averaging if trade moves against your direction
Recommended at 1,775 High Made on 27 Sep, 2024 Rs.1959
Chart PatternsTechnical IndicatorsTrend Analysis

Clause de non-responsabilité