
The adventures of Wirecard CEO, Bulls, and regulators

Ah, cheap and great investment Wirecard just made a new low.
Now is a perfect time to tell their story.

Massive hordes of "investors" blindly piled on this hyped ponzi based on lies.
And then they laughed at the bears and said they were mad they missed out.
And then the CEO went to jail and it went to zero.
The end.
Thank you for playing.

They say investing should be boring. So wrong. This makes it all worth it.
It is amazing how many independant or amateur investors have been buying and are still interested in buying.

It's always the same with lunatics that think bears are some illuminati or flat earth group making conspiracy theories to drop the price of a perfectly legit company.

Here is one comment that aged well:
Sep 5, 2019
"The #Wirecard WID bears are doomed! Finally, justice after so many lies."

Entire timeline here:

Crazy story xd

Remember the dead stock bounce strategy?

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