Most charts I post for trade ideas do not show the PIVO below because it represents volume for that instrument only. Gold is a global asset traded through various instruments, but the "THE BIG 3" right now is futures front contract GC or GC1!, XAUSUSD (ICE/ICD), and GLD ETF. They are currently the main drivers of prices. There are MANY MANY more, but they represent a fraction of what these 3 represent individually. So if you use any one by itself to produce volume indicators, you are going to to many WTF occasions.
Historically, it was THE BIG 2, futures and spot. Since the March crash, GLD has been either the driver, or the kingmaker of gold's direction based on how much it gold it has added to its holdings blah blah.
With that, look at chart above. Left is 5 minute chart showing incoming volume. Scary if you short for short term right? No, If you look at 10 minute bars, looks like it's going to keep dying. Just not as fast as I'd like it to go.