Hammers & star Patterns After a Trend

Par teebala786

1. **Candlestick Patterns Detection:**
- **Hammers** and **Inverted Hammers** are specific candlestick patterns that can indicate potential reversals in the market.
- **Hammer**: A candle with a small body and a long lower wick, showing a possible reversal after a downtrend.
- **Inverted Hammer**: A candle with a small body and a long upper wick, indicating a possible reversal after an uptrend.

2. **Volume Consideration:**
- The script checks if these patterns occur with **high trading volume**. If the volume is significantly higher than the average volume over a certain period, the pattern is highlighted.

3. **Trend Detection:**
- The script looks for a significant trend before the pattern appears:
- **Downtrend**: A significant downward movement in price is required before a Hammer is considered.
- **Uptrend**: A significant upward movement is required before an Inverted Hammer is considered.

4. **Additional Patterns:**
- **Morning Star** and **Evening Star** patterns are also detected:
- **Morning Star**: A three-candle pattern where the first candle is a large bearish candle, followed by a small-bodied candle, and then a large bullish candle, indicating a potential reversal from downtrend to uptrend.
- **Evening Star**: The opposite pattern, signaling a potential reversal from uptrend to downtrend.

5. **Visual Indicators:**
- The script **plots arrows** and **labels** on the chart to show where these patterns occur:
- **Hammers** and **Inverted Hammers** are marked with triangle arrows.
- **Morning Stars** and **Evening Stars** are marked with labels.

In summary, this script helps traders identify key candlestick patterns that may signal potential reversals in price trends, with special emphasis on patterns that occur with high volume and after significant price movements.
Candlestick AnalysisCandlestick analysisEvening StarhammersinvertedhammersMorning StarTechnical AnalysisTrend AnalysistrendreversalvolumeanalysisvolumespikeVolume

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