[blackcat] L3 Stock VWAP Slope in Degrees

Level 3


Smooth VWAP based on stock turnover and calculate the slope of the smoothed VWAP


This is a technical indicator for stocks only. Because of the use of TradingView's financial functions, the scope of use is limited to stocks. It will give an error when you use it for other trading pairs. According to if the VWAP is smoothed according to the stock turnover rate, and the angle of the VWAP is calculated to judge the trend. The specific method of use is: the fast line crosses the slow line at a large angle, which can be regarded as a buy intervention point, and the fast line crosses the slow line in a small amount and then steps back on the slow line, which can also be regarded as a buy intervention point. The slow line is the 3-period moving average of the fast line.

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