
Library "MetaWorldEngineFilterLibrary3"

GetCandleStickSize(Rule, Rule)
  returns size of the candle
    Rule: 1: (float) _src_high
    Rule: 2: (float) _src_low
  Returns: candlestick size

GetCandleStickBodySize(Rule, Rule)
  returns size of the candle body
    Rule: 1: (float) _src_open
    Rule: 2: (float) _src_close
  Returns: candlestick body size

FilterLongerLowerWickCandles(Rule, Rule, Rule)
  Alters Candlestick Value to Magnify Candles with Long Wicks
    Rule: 1: (float) open
    Rule: 2: (float) close
    Rule: 2: (float) low
  Returns: Midpoint of the candle body less the lower wick. If value returned has a large delta from midpoint of the body, then it is short wick

IsBullish(Rule, Rule)
  Determine if Candle is Bullish or Bearish
    Rule: 1: (float) open
    Rule: 2: (float) close
  Returns: True is Bullish

IsDoji(Rule, Rule)
  Determine if Candle is a Doji
    Rule: 1: (int) Candle Index
    Rule: 2: (float) Percentage of candle size. Larger the Number the less stringent the doji criterion
  Returns: True if a Doji

MACD(Rule, Rule, Rule, Rule)
  Computes MACD
    Rule: 1: (float) _src
    Rule: 2: (int) _fastLength input fast ema length
    Rule: 2: (int) _slowLength input slow ema length
    Rule: 3: (int) _signalLength input length of signal line (sma of MACD line)
  Returns: Returns MACD and Signal Line

isFastSlowCrossed(Rule, Rule)
  Computes if SeriesA crosses SeriesB
    Rule: 1: (float) Series Input
    Rule: 2: (float) Series Input
  Returns: if SeriesA crosses SeriesB then true else false

isReversalUpTrend(Rule, Rule)
  Computes if SeriesA crosses over SeriesB to determine reversal uptrend
    Rule: 1: (float) Series Input
    Rule: 2: (float) Series Input
  Returns: if SeriesA crosses over SeriesB then true else false

isReversalDownTrend(Rule, Rule)
  Computes if SeriesA crosses over SeriesB to determine reversal uptrend
    Rule: 1: (float) Series Input
    Rule: 2: (float) Series Input
  Returns: if SeriesA crosses over SeriesB then true else false

SSMA(Rule, Rule)
  Computes smoothed SMA
    Rule: 1: (float) source
    Rule: 2: (float) sma length
  Returns: a single concatenated string for evaluation

  Get Current timeframe in minutes
  Returns: an integer value in minutes

getMA(float, int, string, float)
  Gets a Moving Average based on type
    float: _src The source data
    int: length The MA period
    string: maType The type of MA
    float: sigma / smoothness of ALMA, else NA
  Returns: A moving average with the given parameters
Notes de version
Deleted the chart which erroneously showed another indicator
Notes de version

ATRSwitch(float, float, int)
  Average True Range Trailing Stops by Sylvain Vervoort
    float: _src the source data
    float: ATRMult ATR Multiple
    int: ATRlength ATR Length
  Returns: upper ATR Line, lower ATR Line and the switch point
Notes de version

Clause de non-responsabilité