
Library "EC_2024_Q1_SP"

  Returns the list of events during the period.
  Returns: array<string>: (week1,week2, ... week_n)
week_n= <timezone_wn>;<event1_wn>;<event2_wn>; ... <event_n_weekn>
Where: <event_n_wn> is expressed as date + characteristics: YYYY,MM,DD,hh,mm,ss,x,y,z
x impact in numbers
y event name in numbers
z currency in numbers

  Returns the list of event names during the period.
  Returns: array<string>: (week1,week2, ... week_n)
week_n= <name1_wn>;<name2_wn>; ... <name_n_wn>
Where: <name_n_wn> is expressed as: index, name
index: related to event name y
name event: event name related to y text

  Returns the list of impact names during the period.
  Returns: array<string>: (week1,week2, ... week_n)
week_n= <impact1_wn>;<impact2_wn>; ... <impact_n_wn>
Where: <impact_n_wn> is expressed as: index, impact
index: related to impact name x
impact: impact name related to x text

  Returns the list of currencies during the period.
  Returns: array<string>: (week1,week2, ... week_n)
week_n= <currency1_wn>;<currency2_wn>; ... <currency_n_wn>
Where: <currency_n_wn> is expressed as: index, currency
index: related to currency name z
currency: currency name related to z text

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