Trading IQ - ICT Library

Library "ICTlibrary"
Used to calculate various ICT related price levels and strategies. An ongoing project.

Hello Coders!

This library is meant for sourcing ICT related concepts. While some functions might generate more output than you require, you can specify "Lite Mode" as "true" in applicable functions to slim down necessary inputs.

  Identifies the last bar on the chart before a timeframe change
    userTF (simple int): the timeframe you wish to calculate the last bar for, must be converted to integer using 'timeframe.in_seconds()'
  Returns: bool true if bar on chart is last bar of higher TF, dalse if bar on chart is not last bar of higher TF

  returns necessaryData UDT for historical data access
    atrTF (float): user-selected timeframe ATR value.
  Returns: logZ. log return Z score, used for calculating order blocks.

method gradBoxes(gradientBoxes, idColor, timeStart, bottom, top, rightCoordinate)
  creates neon like effect for box drawings
  Namespace types: array<box>
    gradientBoxes (array<box>): an<box>() to store the gradient boxes
    idColor (color)
    timeStart (int): left point of box
    bottom (float): bottom of box price point
    top (float): top of box price point
    rightCoordinate (int): right point of box
  Returns: void

  checks if recent trade is of specific name
    tradeName (string)
  Returns: bool true if recent trade id matches target name, false otherwise

  checks if recent closed trade is of specific name
    tradeName (string)
  Returns: bool true if recent closed trade id matches target name, false otherwise

IQZZ(atrMult, finalTF)
  custom ZZ to quickly determine market direction.
    atrMult (float): an atr multiplier used to determine the required price move for a ZZ direction change
    finalTF (string): the timeframe used for the atr calcuation
  Returns: dir market direction. Up => 1, down => -1

method drawBos(id, startPoint, getKeyPointTime, getKeyPointPrice, col, showBOS, isUp)
  calculates and draws Break Of Structure
  Namespace types: array<labelLine>
    id (array<labelLine>)
    startPoint (chart.point)
    getKeyPointTime (int): the actual time of startPoint, simplystartPoint.time
    getKeyPointPrice (float): the actual time of startPoint, simplystartPoint.price
    col (color): color of the BoS line / label
    showBOS (bool): whether to show label/line. This function still calculates internally for other ICT related concepts even if not drawn.
    isUp (bool): whether BoS happened during price increase or price decrease.
  Returns: void

method drawMSS(id, startPoint, getKeyPointTime, getKeyPointPrice, col, showMSS, isUp, upRejections, dnRejections, highArr, lowArr, timeArr, closeArr, openArr, atrTFarr, upRejectionsPrices, dnRejectionsPrices)
  calculates and draws Market Structure Shift. This data is also used to calculate Rejection Blocks.
  Namespace types: array<labelLine>
    id (array<labelLine>)
    startPoint (chart.point)
    getKeyPointTime (int): the actual time of startPoint, simplystartPoint.time
    getKeyPointPrice (float): the actual time of startPoint, simplystartPoint.price
    col (color): color of the MSS line / label
    showMSS (bool): whether to show label/line. This function still calculates internally for other ICT related concepts even if not drawn.
    isUp (bool): whether MSS happened during price increase or price decrease.
    upRejections (array<rejectionBlocks>)
    dnRejections (array<rejectionBlocks>)
    highArr (array<float>): array containing historical highs, should be taken from the UDT "necessaryData" defined above
    lowArr (array<float>): array containing historical lows, should be taken from the UDT "necessaryData" defined above
    timeArr (array<int>): array containing historical times, should be taken from the UDT "necessaryData" defined above
    closeArr (array<float>): array containing historical closes, should be taken from the UDT "necessaryData" defined above
    openArr (array<float>): array containing historical opens, should be taken from the UDT "necessaryData" defined above
    atrTFarr (array<float>): array containing historical atr values (of user-selected TF), should be taken from the UDT "necessaryData" defined above
    upRejectionsPrices (array<float>): array containing up rejections prices. Is sorted and used to determine selective looping for invalidations.
    dnRejectionsPrices (array<float>): array containing down rejections prices. Is sorted and used to determine selective looping for invalidations.
  Returns: void

method getTime(id, compare, timeArr)
  gets time of inputted price (compare) in an array of data
this is useful when the user-selected timeframe for ICT concepts is greater than the chart's timeframe
  Namespace types: array<float>
    id (array<float>): the array of data to search through, to find which index has the same value as "compare"
    compare (float): the target data point to find in the array
    timeArr (array<int>): array of historical times
  Returns: the time that the data point in the array was recorded

method OB(id, highArr, signArr, lowArr, timeArr, sign)
  store bullish orderblock data
  Namespace types: array<orderBlock>
    id (array<orderBlock>)
    highArr (array<float>): array of historical highs
    signArr (array<float>): array of historical price direction "math.sign(close - open)"
    lowArr (array<float>): array of historical lows
    timeArr (array<int>): array of historical times
    sign (int): orderblock direction, -1 => bullish, 1 => bearish
  Returns: void

OTEstrat(OTEstart, future, closeArr, highArr, lowArr, timeArr, longOTEPT, longOTESL, longOTElevel, shortOTEPT, shortOTESL, shortOTElevel, structureDirection, oteLongs, atrTF, oteShorts)
  executes the OTE strategy
    OTEstart (chart.point)
    future (int): future time point for drawings
    closeArr (array<float>): array of historical closes
    highArr (array<float>): array of historical highs
    lowArr (array<float>): array of historical lows
    timeArr (array<int>): array of historical times
    longOTEPT (string): user-selected long OTE profit target, please create an input.string() for this using the example below
    longOTESL (int): user-selected long OTE stop loss, please create an input.string() for this using the example below
    longOTElevel (float): long entry price of selected retracement ratio for OTE
    shortOTEPT (string): user-selected short OTE profit target, please create an input.string() for this using the example below
    shortOTESL (int): user-selected short OTE stop loss, please create an input.string() for this using the example below
    shortOTElevel (float): short entry price of selected retracement ratio for OTE
    structureDirection (string): current market structure direction, this should be "Up" or "Down". This is used to cancel pending orders if market structure changes
    oteLongs (bool): input.bool() for whether OTE longs can be executed
    atrTF (float): atr of the user-seleceted TF
    oteShorts (bool): input.bool() for whether OTE shorts can be executed
oteLongs = input.bool(defval = false, title = "OTE Longs", group = "Optimal Trade Entry")
longOTElevel = input.float(defval = 0.79, title = "Long Entry Retracement Level", options = [0.79, 0.705, 0.62], group = "Optimal Trade Entry")
longOTEPT = input.string(defval = "-0.5", title = "Long TP", options = ["-0.5", "-1", "-2", "Swing High"], group = "Optimal Trade Entry")
longOTESL = = 0, title = "How Many Ticks Below Swing Low For Stop Loss", group = "Optimal Trade Entry")
oteShorts = input.bool(defval = false, title = "OTE Shorts", group = "Optimal Trade Entry")
shortOTElevel = input.float(defval = 0.79, title = "Short Entry Retracement Level", options = [0.79, 0.705, 0.62], group = "Optimal Trade Entry")
shortOTEPT = input.string(defval = "-0.5", title = "Short TP", options = ["-0.5", "-1", "-2", "Swing Low"], group = "Optimal Trade Entry")
shortOTESL = = 0, title = "How Many Ticks Above Swing Low For Stop Loss", group = "Optimal Trade Entry")
  Returns: void (0)

displacement(logZ, atrTFreg, highArr, timeArr, lowArr, upDispShow, dnDispShow, masterCoords, labelLevels, dispUpcol, rightCoordinate, dispDncol, noBorders)
  calculates and draws dispacements
    logZ (float): log return of current price, used to determine a "significant price move" for a displacement
    atrTFreg (float): atr of user-seleceted timeframe
    highArr (array<float>): array of historical highs
    timeArr (array<int>): array of historical times
    lowArr (array<float>): array of historical lows
    upDispShow (int): amount of historical upside displacements to show
    dnDispShow (int): amount of historical downside displacements to show
    masterCoords (map<string, float>): a <string, float> map to push the most recent displacement prices into, useful for having key levels in one data structure
    labelLevels (string): used to determine label placement for the displacement, can be inside box, outside box, or none, example below
    dispUpcol (color): upside displacement color
    rightCoordinate (int): future time for displacement drawing, best is "last_bar_time"
    dispDncol (color): downside displacement color
    noBorders (bool): input.bool() to remove box borders, example below
labelLevels = input.string(defval = "Inside" , title = "Box Label Placement", options = ["Inside", "Outside", "None"])
noBorders = input.bool(defval = false, title = "No Borders On Levels")
  Returns: void

method getStrongLow(id, startIndex, timeArr, lowArr, strongLowPoints)
  unshift strong low data to array<strongPoints> id
  Namespace types: array<strongPoints>
    id (array<strongPoints>)
    startIndex (int): the starting index for the timeArr array of the UDT "necessaryData".
this point should start from at least 1 pivot prior to find the low before an upside BoS
    timeArr (array<int>): array of historical times
    lowArr (array<float>): array of historical lows
    strongLowPoints (array<float>): array of strong low prices. Used to retrieve highest strong low price and see if need for
removal of invalidated strong lows
  Returns: void

method getStrongHigh(id, startIndex, timeArr, highArr, strongHighPoints)
  unshift strong high data to array<strongPoints> id
  Namespace types: array<strongPoints>
    id (array<strongPoints>)
    startIndex (int): the starting index for the timeArr array of the UDT "necessaryData".
this point should start from at least 1 pivot prior to find the high before a downside BoS
    timeArr (array<int>): array of historical times
    highArr (array<float>): array of historical highs
    strongHighPoints (array<float>)
  Returns: void

equalLevels(highArr, lowArr, timeArr, rightCoordinate, equalHighsCol, equalLowsCol, liteMode)
  used to calculate recent equal highs or equal lows
    highArr (array<float>): array of historical highs
    lowArr (array<float>): array of historical lows
    timeArr (array<int>): array of historical times
    rightCoordinate (int): a future time (right for boxes, x2 for lines)
    equalHighsCol (color): user-selected color for equal highs drawings
    equalLowsCol (color): user-selected color for equal lows drawings
    liteMode (bool): optional for a lite mode version of an ICT strategy. For more control over drawings leave as "True", "False" will apply neon effects
  Returns: void

  used to quickly determine if a user-inputted time range is currently active in NYT time
    timeString (string): a time range
  Returns: true if session is active, false if session is inactive

macros(showMacros, noBorders)
  used to calculate and draw session macros
    showMacros (bool): an input.bool() or simple bool to determine whether to activate the function
    noBorders (bool): an input.bool() to determine whether the box anchored to the session should have borders
  Returns: void

po3(tf, left, right, show)
  use to calculate HTF po3 candle
tip only call this function on "barstate.islast"
    tf (simple string)
    left (int): the left point of the candle, calculated as bar_index + left,
    right (int): :the right point of the candle, calculated as bar_index + right,
    show (bool): input.bool() whether to show the po3 candle or not
  Returns: void

silverBullet(silverBulletStratLong, silverBulletStratShort, future, userTF, H, L, H2, L2, noBorders, silverBulletLongTP, historicalPoints, historicalData, silverBulletLongSL, silverBulletShortTP, silverBulletShortSL)
  used to execute the Silver Bullet Strategy
    silverBulletStratLong (simple bool)
    silverBulletStratShort (simple bool)
    future (int): a future time, used for drawings, example "last_bar_time"
    userTF (simple int)
    H (float): the high price of the user-selected TF
    L (float): the low price of the user-selected TF
    H2 (float): the high[2] price of the user-selected TF
    L2 (float): the low[2] price of the user-selected TF
    noBorders (bool): an input.bool() used to remove the borders from box drawings
    silverBulletLongTP (series silverBulletLevels)
    historicalPoints (array<chart.point>)
    historicalData (necessaryData)
    silverBulletLongSL (series silverBulletLevels)
    silverBulletShortTP (series silverBulletLevels)
    silverBulletShortSL (series silverBulletLevels)
  Returns: void

method invalidFVGcheck(FVGarr, upFVGpricesSorted, dnFVGpricesSorted)
  check if existing FVGs are still valid
  Namespace types: array<FVG>
    FVGarr (array<FVG>)
    upFVGpricesSorted (array<float>): an array of bullish FVG prices, used to selective search through FVG array to remove invalidated levels
    dnFVGpricesSorted (array<float>): an array of bearish FVG prices, used to selective search through FVG array to remove invalidated levels
  Returns: void (0)

method drawFVG(counter, FVGshow, FVGname, FVGcol, data, masterCoords, labelLevels, borderTransp, liteMode, rightCoordinate)
  draws FVGs on last bar
  Namespace types: map<string, int>
    counter (map<string, int>): a counter, as map<string, int>, keeping count of the number of FVGs drawn, makes sure that there aren't more FVGs drawn
than int FVGshow
    FVGshow (int): the number of FVGs to show. There should be a bullish FVG show and bearish FVG show. This function "drawFVG" is used separately
for bearish FVG and bullish FVG.
    FVGname (string): the name of the FVG, "FVG Up" or "FVG Down"
    FVGcol (color): desired FVG color
    data (FVG)
    masterCoords (map<string, float>): a map<string, float> containing the names and price points of key levels. Used to define price ranges.
    labelLevels (string): an input.string with options "Inside", "Outside", "Remove". Determines whether FVG labels should be inside box, outside,
or na.
    borderTransp (int)
    liteMode (bool)
    rightCoordinate (int): the right coordinate of any drawings. Must be a time point.
  Returns: void

invalidBlockCheck(bullishOBbox, bearishOBbox, userTF)
  check if existing order blocks are still valid
    bullishOBbox (array<orderBlock>): an array declared using the UDT orderBlock that contains bullish order block related data
    bearishOBbox (array<orderBlock>): an array declared using the UDT orderBlock that contains bearish order block related data
    userTF (simple int)
  Returns: void (0)

method lastBarRejections(id, rejectionColor, idShow, rejectionString, labelLevels, borderTransp, liteMode, rightCoordinate, masterCoords)
  draws rejectionBlocks on last bar
  Namespace types: array<rejectionBlocks>
    id (array<rejectionBlocks>): the array<rejectionBlocks>, an array of rejection block data declared using the UDT rejection block
    rejectionColor (color): the desired color of the rejection box
    idShow (int)
    rejectionString (string): the desired name of the rejection blocks
    labelLevels (string): an input.string() to determine if labels for the block should be inside the box, outside, or none.
    borderTransp (int)
    liteMode (bool): an input.bool(). True = neon effect, false = no neon.
    rightCoordinate (int): atime for the right coordinate of the box
    masterCoords (map<string, float>): a map <string, float> that stores the price of key levels and assigns them a name, used to determine price ranges
  Returns: void

method OBdraw(id, OBshow, BBshow, OBcol, BBcol, bullishString, bearishString, isBullish, labelLevels, borderTransp, liteMode, rightCoordinate, masterCoords)
  draws orderblocks and breaker blocks for data stored in UDT array<orderBlock>()
  Namespace types: array<orderBlock>
    id (array<orderBlock>): the array<orderBlock>, an array of order block data declared using the UDT orderblock
    OBshow (int): the number of order blocks to show
    BBshow (int): the number of breaker blocks to show
    OBcol (color): color of order blocks
    BBcol (color): color of breaker blocks
    bullishString (string): the title of bullish blocks, which is a regular bullish orderblock or a bearish orderblock that's converted to breakerblock
    bearishString (string): the title of bearish blocks, which is a regular bearish orderblock or a bullish orderblock that's converted to breakerblock
    isBullish (bool): whether the array<orderBlock> contains bullish orderblocks or bearish orderblocks. If bullish orderblocks,
the array will naturally contain bearish BB, and if bearish OB, the array will naturally contain bullish BB
    labelLevels (string): an input.string() to determine if labels for the block should be inside the box, outside, or none.
    borderTransp (int)
    liteMode (bool): an input.bool(). True = neon effect, false = no neon.
    rightCoordinate (int): atime for the right coordinate of the box
    masterCoords (map<string, float>): a map <string, float> that stores the price of key levels and assigns them a name, used to determine price ranges
  Returns: void

  UDT for FVG calcualtions
    H (series float): high price of user-selected timeframe
    L (series float): low price of user-selected timeframe
    direction (series string): FVG direction => "Up" or "Down"
    T (series int): => time of bar on user-selected timeframe where FVG was created
    fvgLabel (series label): optional label for FVG
    fvgLineTop (series line): optional line for top of FVG
    fvgLineBot (series line): optional line for bottom of FVG
    fvgBox (series box): optional box for FVG

  quickly pair a line and label together as UDT
    lin (series line): Line you wish to pair with label
    lab (series label): Label you wish to pair with line

  UDT for order block calculations
    orderBlockData (array<float>): array containing order block x and y points
    orderBlockBox (series box): optional order block box
    vioCount (series int): = 0 violation count of the order block. 0 = Order Block, 1 = Breaker Block
    traded (series bool)
    status (series string): = "OB" status == "OB" => Level is order block. status == "BB" => Level is breaker block.
    orderBlockLab (series label): options label for the order block / breaker block.

  UDT for strong highs and strong lows
    price (series float): price of the strong high or strong low
    timeAtprice (series int): time of the strong high or strong low
    strongPointLabel (series label): optional label for strong point
    strongPointLine (series line): optional line for strong point
    overlayLine (series line): optional lines for strong point to enhance visibility
    overlayLine2 (series line): optional lines for strong point to enhance visibility

  UDT for dispacements
    highPrice (series float): high price of displacement
    lowPrice (series float): low price of displacement
    timeAtPrice (series int): time of bar where displacement occurred
    displacementBox (series box): optional box to draw displacement
    displacementLab (series label): optional label for displacement

  UDT for po3 calculations
    dHigh (series float): higher timeframe high price
    dLow (series float): higher timeframe low price
    dOpen (series float): higher timeframe open price
    dClose (series float): higher timeframe close price
    po3box (series box): box to draw po3 candle body
    po3line (array<line>): line array to draw po3 wicks
    po3Labels (array<label>): label array to label price points of po3 candle

  UDT for session macros
    sessions (array<bool>): Array of sessions, you can populate this array using the "quickTime" function located above "export macros".
    prices (matrix<float>): Matrix of session data -> open, high, low, close, time
    sessionTimes (array<string>): Array of session names. Pairs with array<bool> sessions.
    sessionLines (matrix<line>): Optional array for sesion drawings.

  UDT for data storage and drawings associated with OTE strategy
    upTimes (array<int>): time of highest point before trade is taken
    dnTimes (array<int>): time of lowest point before trade is taken
    tpLineLong (series line): line to mark tp level long
    tpLabelLong (series label): label to mark tp level long
    slLineLong (series line): line to mark sl level long
    slLabelLong (series label): label to mark sl level long
    tpLineShort (series line): line to mark tp level short
    tpLabelShort (series label): label to mark tp level short
    slLineShort (series line): line to mark sl level short
    slLabelShort (series label): label to mark sl level short

  UDT for data storage and drawings associated with liquidity sweeps
    upSweeps (matrix<float>): matrix containing liquidity sweep price points and time points for up sweeps
    dnSweeps (matrix<float>): matrix containing liquidity sweep price points and time points for down sweeps
    upSweepDrawings (array<box>): optional up sweep box array. Pair the size of this array with the rows or columns,
    dnSweepDrawings (array<box>): optional up sweep box array. Pair the size of this array with the rows or columns,

  UDT for drawings associated with the Liquidity Raid Strategy
    tpLine (series line): tp line for the liquidity raid entry
    tpLabel (series label): tp label for the liquidity raid entry
    slLine (series line): sl line for the liquidity raid entry
    slLabel (series label): sl label for the liquidity raid entry

  UDT for data storage and drawings associated with the Model 2022 Strategy
    mTime (series int): time of the FVG where entry limit order is placed
    mIndex (series int): array index of FVG where entry limit order is placed. This requires an array of FVG data, which is defined above.
    mEntryDistance (series float): the distance of the FVG to the 50% range. M2022 looks for the fvg closest to 50% mark of range.
    mEntry (series float): the entry price for the most eligible fvg
    fvgHigh (series float): the high point of the eligible fvg
    fvgLow (series float): the low point of the eligible fvg
    longFVGentryBox (series box): long FVG box, used to draw the eligible FVG
    shortFVGentryBox (series box): short FVG box, used to draw the eligible FVG
    line50P (series line): line used to mark 50% of the range
    line100P (series line): line used to mark 100% (top) of the range
    line0P (series line): line used to mark 0% (bottom) of the range
    label50P (series label): label used to mark 50% of the range
    label100P (series label): label used to mark 100% (top) of the range
    label0P (series label): label used to mark 0% (bottom) of the range
    sweepData (array<float>)

  UDT for data storage and drawings associated with the Silver Bullet Strategy
    session (series bool)
    sessionStr (series string): name of the session for silver bullet
    sessionBias (series string)
    sessionHigh (series float): = high high of session // use math.max(silverBullet.sessionHigh, high)
    sessionLow (series float): = low low of session // use math.min(silverBullet.sessionLow, low)
    sessionFVG (series float): if applicable, the FVG created during the session
    sessionFVGdraw (series box): if applicable, draw the FVG created during the session
    traded (series bool)
    tp (series float): tp of trade entered at the session FVG
    sl (series float): sl of trade entered at the session FVG
    sessionDraw (series box): optional draw session with box
    sessionDrawLabel (series label): optional label session with label

  UDT for trade exit drawings associated with the Silver Bullet Strategy
    tpLine (series line): tp line drawing for strategy
    tpLabel (series label): tp label drawing for strategy
    slLine (series line): sl line drawing for strategy
    slLabel (series label): sl label drawing for strategy

  UDT for data storage and drawings associated with the Unicorn Model Strategy
    hPoint (chart.point)
    hPoint2 (chart.point)
    hPoint3 (chart.point)
    breakerBlock (series box): used to draw the breaker block required for the Unicorn Model
    FVG (series box): used to draw the FVG required for the Unicorn model
    topBlock (series float): price of top of breaker block, can be used to detail trade entry
    botBlock (series float): price of bottom of breaker block, can be used to detail trade entry
    startBlock (series int): start time of the breaker block, used to set the "left = " param for the box
    includes (array<int>): used to store the time of the breaker block, or FVG, or the chart point sequence that setup the Unicorn Model.
    entry (series float): // eligible entry price, for longs"math.max(topBlock, FVG.get_top())",
    tpLine (series line): optional line to mark PT
    tpLabel (series label): optional label to mark PT
    slLine (series line): optional line to mark SL
    slLabel (series label): optional label to mark SL

  UDT for data storage and drawings associated with rejection blocks
    rejectionPoint (chart.point)
    bodyPrice (series float): candle body price closest to the rejection point, for "Up" rejections => math.max(open, close),
    rejectionBox (series box): optional box drawing of the rejection block
    rejectionLabel (series label): optional label for the rejection block

  UDT for data storage and drawings associated with equal highs / equal lows
    connector (series line): single line placed at the first high or low, y = avgerage of distinguished equal highs/lows
    connectorLab (series label): optional label to be placed at the highs or lows
    levels (array<float>): array containing the equal highs or lows prices
    times (array<int>): array containing the equal highs or lows individual times
    startTime (series int): the time of the first high or low that forms a sequence of equal highs or lows
    radiate (array<label>): options label to "radiate" the label in connector lab. Can be used for anything

  UDT for data storage of historical price points.
    highArr (array<float>): array containing historical high points
    lowArr (array<float>): array containing historical low points
    timeArr (array<int>): array containing historical time points
    logArr (array<float>): array containing historical log returns
    signArr (array<float>): array containing historical price directions
    closeArr (array<float>): array containing historical close points
    binaryTimeArr (array<int>): array containing historical time points, uses "push" instead of "unshift" to allow for binary search
    binaryCloseArr (array<float>): array containing historical close points, uses "push" instead of "unshift" to allow the correct
    binaryOpenArr (array<float>): array containing historical optn points, uses "push" instead of "unshift" to allow the correct
    atrTFarr (array<float>): array containing historical user-selected TF atr points
    openArr (array<float>): array containing historical open points

Bibliothèque Pine

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