Mis à jour
◊ Introduction
This is project XIAM, a trading bot based on SMA and RMI

◊ Origin
Based on 'The Relative Momentum Index' by Roger Altman : February, 1993 issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities magazine.
While RSI counts up and down days from close to close, the Relative Momentum Index counts up and down days from the close relative to a close x number of days ago.
This results in an RSI that is smoother. The input has been changed to the change of a smoothed close multiplied by a smoothed volume .
In addition SMA is used to detect an up/downwards phase.

◊ Adjustments
CMYK color theme applied.

◊ Usage
Automatic trading strategy

◊ Future Prospects
Remove jitter.
Take Variance into account
Auto adjusting settings evaluated on previous placements.
Proper asset management.
Notes de version
◊ Adjustments
Stratergy() call line updated
Notes de version
Notes de version
◊ Adjustments
- Removed lookahead fault on security() call line.
- Added XSMA (Offset sma) for phase detection.
- Added several variables and differentiators to determine conditions for Short/long, and placement of limits.
- Cleaned script.

◊ Future corrections
- Trend adjustment on RMI needs fixing.
- Rewrite of Variance and Jitter on XSMA.
- Cleaning of naming syntax.

◊ Future additions
- Asset management section.
- Autoview section.

- Auto adjustment of settings on RMI with its INIT/LAR/END values.
- Trend adjustment on XSMA.
Notes de version
automatedbotcmykmvpmcRelative Strength Index (RSI)rmismastrategyTrend AnalysisVolatilityxiam

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