
Library "Mad_Fibonaccibox"
This library is designed to create and manage multiple Fibonacci boxes, which are graphical representations based on the inputs.


f_fib_calc(_Fibonacci_box, _itemnumber)
  fibonacci calc.
description This function block uses the levels and paramters set into the type_fibonacci_box(levels) and fills the corresponding array of prices.
    _Fibonacci_box (type_Fibonacci_box[])
    _itemnumber (int)
  Returns: returns a type_Fibonacci_box with the filled data

f_fib_draw(_Fibonacci_box, _itemnumber)
  fibonacci draw.
description This function block uses the levels, prices and paramters set into the type_fibonacci_box(levels) and draws the fib on the chart
    _Fibonacci_box (type_Fibonacci_box[])
    _itemnumber (int)
  Returns: returns lines labels and fills on the chart, no data returns

  s for defining a lines and texts of a fibonacci box
    level (series float)
    price (series float)
    drawline (series bool)
    linewidth (series int)
    linetype (series string)
    fiblinecolor (series color)
    drawlabel (series string)
    labeltext (series string)
    textshift (series int)
    fibtextcolor (series color)
    fibtextsize (series string)
    transp (series int)

  s for defining the fills of a fibonaccibox
    partner_A (series int)
    partner_B (series int)
    fill_color (series color)
    transp (series int)

  s for defining a fibonacci box
    bottom_price (series float)
    top_price (series float)
    StartBar (series int)
    StopBar (series int)
    levels (type_level[])
    fills (type_fill[])
    ChartisLog (series bool)
    fibreverse (series bool)
    fibdrawreverse (series bool)
    decimals_price (series int)
    decimals_percent (series int)
    drawlines (series bool)
    drawlabels (series bool)
    drawfills (series bool)
    draw_biginfo (series bool)
    biginfo_textshift (series int)
    rangeinfo_location (series int)
    rangeinfo_color (series color)
    rangeinfo_textsize (series string)
    line_array (line[])
    linefill_array (linefill[])
    label_array (label[])

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