Quelles sont les données économiques disponibles dans Pine?
Cette liste contient toutes les données économiques disponibles dans Pine Script™.
Vous pouvez en savoir plus ici sur les données économiques en général et sur chaque métrique en particulier. Notez que les données économiques sont différentes des données financières qui sont également disponibles. Les données économiques sont des informations sur l'activité économique d'un pays ou d'une région, tandis que les données financières sont des métriques liées aux fondamentaux d'un symbole particulier.
Le premier tableau ici liste le `country_code` de tous les pays ou régions pour lesquels TradingView fournit des données économiques. Le second tableau liste le code `field` correspondant à chaque métrique. Notez que toutes les métriques ne sont pas disponibles pour tous les pays. L'article du Centre d'Aide sur chaque métrique documente les pays pour lesquels il est disponible.
Les scripts peuvent demander des données économiques par le biais de la fonction
request.economic(country_code, field, gaps, ignore_invalid_symbol)
JavaScriptLes codes de pays et de champ figurant dans les listes ci-dessous sont utilisés comme arguments pour les paramètres `country_code` et `field` dans les appels de fonction `request.economic()`. Par exemple
e = request.economic("US", "GDP")
JavaScriptTableau 1. Codes des pays/régions
Country/Region code | Country/Region name |
AF | Afghanistan |
AL | Albania |
DZ | Algeria |
AD | Andorra |
AO | Angola |
AG | Antigua and Barbuda |
AR | Argentina |
AM | Armenia |
AW | Aruba |
AU | Australia |
AT | Austria |
AZ | Azerbaijan |
BS | Bahamas |
BH | Bahrain |
BD | Bangladesh |
BB | Barbados |
BY | Belarus |
BE | Belgium |
BZ | Belize |
BJ | Benin |
BM | Bermuda |
BT | Bhutan |
BO | Bolivia |
BA | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
BW | Botswana |
BR | Brazil |
BN | Brunei |
BG | Bulgaria |
BF | Burkina Faso |
BI | Burundi |
KH | Cambodia |
CM | Cameroon |
CA | Canada |
CV | Cape Verde |
KY | Cayman Islands |
CF | Central African Republic |
TD | Chad |
CL | Chile |
CN | China |
CO | Colombia |
KM | Comoros |
CG | Congo |
CR | Costa Rica |
HR | Croatia |
CU | Cuba |
CY | Cyprus |
CZ | Czech Republic |
DK | Denmark |
DJ | Djibouti |
DM | Dominica |
DO | Dominican Republic |
TL | East Timor |
EC | Ecuador |
EG | Egypt |
SV | El Salvador |
GQ | Equatorial Guinea |
ER | Eritrea |
EE | Estonia |
ET | Ethiopia |
EU | Euro area |
FO | Faroe Islands |
FJ | Fiji |
FI | Finland |
FR | France |
GA | Gabon |
GM | Gambia |
GE | Georgia |
DE | Germany |
GH | Ghana |
GR | Greece |
GL | Greenland |
GD | Grenada |
GT | Guatemala |
GN | Guinea |
GW | Guinea Bissau |
GY | Guyana |
HT | Haiti |
HN | Honduras |
HK | Hong Kong |
HU | Hungary |
IS | Iceland |
IN | India |
ID | Indonesia |
IR | Iran |
IQ | Iraq |
IE | Ireland |
IM | Isle of Man |
IL | Israel |
IT | Italy |
CI | Ivory Coast |
JM | Jamaica |
JP | Japan |
JO | Jordan |
KZ | Kazakhstan |
KE | Kenya |
KI | Kiribati |
XK | Kosovo |
KW | Kuwait |
KG | Kyrgyzstan |
LA | Laos |
LV | Latvia |
LB | Lebanon |
LS | Lesotho |
LR | Liberia |
LY | Libya |
LI | Liechtenstein |
LT | Lithuania |
LU | Luxembourg |
MO | Macau |
MK | Macedonia |
MG | Madagascar |
MW | Malawi |
MY | Malaysia |
MV | Maldives |
ML | Mali |
MT | Malta |
MR | Mauritania |
MU | Mauritius |
MX | Mexico |
MD | Moldova |
MC | Monaco |
MN | Mongolia |
ME | Montenegro |
MA | Morocco |
MZ | Mozambique |
MM | Myanmar |
NA | Namibia |
NP | Nepal |
NL | Netherlands |
NC | New Caledonia |
NZ | New Zealand |
NI | Nicaragua |
NE | Niger |
NG | Nigeria |
KP | North Korea |
NO | Norway |
OM | Oman |
PK | Pakistan |
PS | Palestine |
PA | Panama |
PG | Papua New Guinea |
PY | Paraguay |
PE | Peru |
PH | Philippines |
PL | Poland |
PT | Portugal |
PR | Puerto Rico |
QA | Qatar |
CD | Republic of the Congo |
RO | Romania |
RU | Russia |
RW | Rwanda |
WS | Samoa |
SM | San Marino |
ST | Sao Tome and Principe |
SA | Saudi Arabia |
SN | Senegal |
RS | Serbia |
SC | Seychelles |
SL | Sierra Leone |
SG | Singapore |
SK | Slovakia |
SI | Slovenia |
SB | Solomon Islands |
SO | Somalia |
ZA | South Africa |
KR | South Korea |
SS | South Sudan |
ES | Spain |
LK | Sri Lanka |
LC | St Lucia |
VC | St Vincent and the Grenadines |
SD | Sudan |
SR | Suriname |
SZ | Swaziland |
SE | Sweden |
CH | Switzerland |
SY | Syria |
TW | Taiwan |
TJ | Tajikistan |
TZ | Tanzania |
TH | Thailand |
TG | Togo |
TO | Tonga |
TT | Trinidad and Tobago |
TN | Tunisia |
TR | Turkey |
TM | Turkmenistan |
UG | Uganda |
UA | Ukraine |
AE | United Arab Emirates |
GB | United Kingdom |
US | United States |
UY | Uruguay |
UZ | Uzbekistan |
VU | Vanuatu |
VE | Venezuela |
VN | Vietnam |
YE | Yemen |
ZM | Zambia |
ZW | Zimbabwe |
Tableau 2. Codes des champs
Field Code | Metric |
AA | Asylum Applications |
ACR | API Crude Runs |
AE | Auto Exports |
AHE | Average Hourly Earnings |
AHO | API Heating Oil |
AWH | Average Weekly Hours |
BBS | Banks Balance Sheet |
BCLI | Business Climate Indicator |
BCOI | Business Confidence Index |
BI | Business Inventories |
BLR | Bank Lending Rate |
BOI | NFIB Business Optimism Index |
BOT | Balance Of Trade |
BP | Building Permits |
BR | Bankruptcies |
CA | Current Account |
CAG | Current Account To GDP |
CAP | Car Production |
CAR | Car Registrations |
CBBS | Central Bank Balance Sheet |
CCC | Claimant Count Change |
CCI | Consumer Confidence Index |
CCOS | Cushing Crude Oil Stocks |
CCP | Core Consumer Prices |
CCPI | Core CPI |
CCPT | Consumer Confidence Price Trends |
CCR | Consumer Credit |
CCS | Credit Card Spending |
CEP | Cement Production |
CF | Capital Flows |
CFNAI | Chicago Fed National Activity Index |
CI | API Crude Imports |
CIND | Coincident Index |
CIR | Core Inflation Rate, YoY |
CJC | Continuing Jobless Claims |
CN | API Cushing Number |
COI | Crude Oil Imports |
COIR | Crude Oil Imports from Russia |
CONSTS | Construction Spending |
COP | Crude Oil Production |
COR | Crude Oil Rigs |
CORD | Construction Orders, YoY |
CORPI | Corruption Index |
CORR | Corruption Rank |
COSC | Crude Oil Stocks Change |
COUT | Construction Output, YoY |
CP | Copper Production |
CPCEPI | Core PCE Price Index |
CPI | Consumer Price Index |
CPIHU | CPI Housing Utilities |
CPIM | CPI Median |
CPIT | CPI Transportation |
CPITM | CPI Trimmed Mean |
CPMI | Chicago PMI |
CPPI | Core Producer Price Index |
CPR | Corporate Profits |
CRLPI | Cereals Price Index |
CRR | Cash Reserve Ratio |
CS | Consumer Spending |
CSC | API Crude Oil Stock Change |
CSHPI | Case Shiller Home Price Index |
CSHPIMM | Case Shiller Home Price Index, MoM |
CSHPIYY | Case Shiller Home Price Index, YoY |
CSS | Chain Store Sales |
CTR | Corporate Tax Rate |
CU | Capacity Utilization |
DFMI | Dallas Fed Manufacturing Index |
DFP | Distillate Fuel Production |
DFS | Distillate Stocks |
DFSI | Dallas Fed Services Index |
DFSRI | Dallas Fed Services Revenues Index |
DG | Deposit Growth |
DGO | Durable Goods Orders |
DGOED | Durable Goods Orders Excluding Defense |
DGOET | Durable Goods Orders Excluding Transportation |
DIR | Deposit Interest Rate |
DPI | Disposable Personal Income |
DRPI | Dairy Price Index |
DS | API Distillate Stocks |
DT | CBI Distributive Trades |
EC | ADP Employment Change |
ED | External Debt |
EDBR | Ease Of Doing Business Ranking |
EHS | Existing Home Sales |
ELP | Electricity Production |
EMC | Employment Change |
EMCI | Employment Cost Index |
EMP | Employed Persons |
EMR | Employment Rate |
EOI | Economic Optimism Index |
EP | Export Prices |
ESI | ZEW Economic Sentiment Index |
EWS | Economy Watchers Survey |
EXP | Exports |
EXPYY | Exports, YoY |
FAI | Fixed Asset Investment |
FBI | Foreign Bond Investment |
FDI | Foreign Direct Investment |
FE | Fiscal Expenditure |
FER | Foreign Exchange Reserves |
FI | Food Inflation, YoY |
FO | Factory Orders |
FOET | Factory Orders Excluding Transportation |
FPI | Food Price Index |
FSI | Foreign Stock Investment |
FTE | Full Time Employment |
FYGDPG | Full Year GDP Growth |
GASP | Gasoline Prices |
GBP | Government Budget |
GBV | Government Budget Value |
GCI | Competitiveness Index |
GCR | Competitiveness Rank |
GD | Government Debt |
GDG | Government Debt To GDP |
GDPA | GDP From Agriculture |
GDPC | GDP From Construction |
GDPCP | GDP Constant Prices |
GDPD | GDP Deflator |
GDPGA | GDP Growth Annualized |
GDPMAN | GDP From Manufacturing |
GDPMIN | GDP From Mining |
GDPPA | GDP From Public Administration |
GDPPC | GDP Per Capita |
GDPPCP | GDP Per Capita, PPP |
GDPQQ | GDP Growth Rate |
GDPS | GDP From Services |
GDPSA | GDP Sales |
GDPT | GDP From Transport |
GDPU | GDP From Utilities |
GDTPI | Global Dairy Trade Price Index |
GFCF | Gross Fixed Capital Formation |
GNP | Gross National Product |
GP | Gold Production |
GPA | Government Payrolls |
GPRO | Gasoline Production |
GR | Government Revenues |
GRES | Gold Reserves |
GS | API Gasoline Stocks |
GSC | Grain Stocks Corn |
GSCH | Gasoline Stocks Change |
GSG | Government Spending To GDP |
GSP | Government Spending |
GSS | Grain Stocks Soy |
GSW | Grain Stocks Wheat |
GTB | Goods Trade Balance |
HB | Hospital Beds |
HDG | Households Debt To GDP |
HDI | Households Debt To Income |
HICP | Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices |
HIRMM | Harmonised Inflation Rate, MoM |
HIRYY | Harmonised Inflation Rate, YoY |
HMI | NAHB Housing Market Index |
HOR | Home Ownership Rate |
HOS | Heating Oil Stocks |
HOSP | Hospitals |
HPI | House Price Index |
HPIMM | House Price Index, MoM |
HPIYY | House Price Index, YoY |
HS | Home Loans |
HSP | Household Spending |
HST | Housing Starts |
IC | Changes In Inventories |
ICUB | ICU Beds |
IE | Inflation Expectations |
IFOCC | Ifo Assessment Of The Business Situation |
IFOE | Ifo Business Developments Expectations |
IJC | Initial Jobless Claims |
IMP | Imports |
IMPYY | Imports, YoY |
INBR | Interbank Rate |
INTR | Interest Rate |
IPA | Ip Addresses |
IPMM | Industrial Production, MoM |
IPRI | Import Prices |
IPYY | Industrial Production, YoY |
IRMM | Inflation Rate, MoM |
IRYY | Inflation Rate, YoY |
IS | Industrial Sentiment |
ISP | Internet Speed |
JA | Job Advertisements |
JAR | Jobs To Applications Ratio |
JC | Challenger Job Cuts |
JC4W | Jobless Claims, 4-Week Average |
JO | Job Offers |
JV | Job Vacancies |
KFMI | Kansas Fed Manufacturing Index |
LB | Loans To Banks |
LC | Labour Costs |
LEI | Leading Economic Index |
LFPR | Labor Force Participation Rate |
LG | Loan Growth, YoY |
LIVRR | Liquidity Injections Via Reverse Repo |
LMIC | LMI Logistics Managers Index Current |
LMICI | LMI Inventory Costs |
LMIF | LMI Logistics Managers Index Future |
LMITP | LMI Transportation Prices |
LMIWP | LMI Warehouse Prices |
LPS | Loans To Private Sector |
LR | Central Bank Lending Rate |
LTUR | Long Term Unemployment Rate |
LWF | Living Wage Family |
LWI | Living Wage Individual |
M0 | Money Supply M0 |
M1 | Money Supply M1 |
M2 | Money Supply M2 |
M3 | Money Supply M3 |
MA | Mortgage Approvals |
MAPL | Mortgage Applications |
MCE | Michigan Consumer Expectations |
MCEC | Michigan Current Economic Conditions |
MD | Medical Doctors |
ME | Military Expenditure |
MGDPYY | Monthly GDP, YoY |
MIE1Y | Michigan Inflation Expectations |
MIE5Y | Michigan 5 Year Inflation Expectations |
MIP | Mining Production, YoY |
MMI | MBA Mortgage Market Index |
MO | Machinery Orders |
MP | Manufacturing Payrolls |
MPI | Meat Price Index |
MPRMM | Manufacturing Production, MoM |
MPRYY | Manufacturing Production, YoY |
MR | Mortgage Rate |
MRI | MBA Mortgage Refinance Index |
MS | Manufacturing Sales |
MTO | Machine Tool Orders |
MW | Minimum Wages |
NDCGOEA | Orders For Non-defense Capital Goods Excluding Aircraft |
NEGTB | Goods Trade Deficit With Non-eu Countries |
NFP | Nonfarm Payrolls |
NGI | Natural Gas Imports |
NGIR | Natural Gas Imports from Russia |
NGSC | Natural Gas Stocks Change |
NHPI | Nationwide House Price Index |
NHS | New Home Sales |
NHSMM | New Home Sales, Mom |
NMPMI | Non-Manufacturing PMI |
NO | New Orders |
NODXMM | Non-Oil Domestic Exports |
NODXYY | Non-oil Domestic Exports, YoY |
NOE | Non Oil Exports |
NPP | Nonfarm Payrolls Private |
NURS | Nurses |
NYESMI | NY Empire State Manufacturing Index |
OE | Oil Exports |
OPI | Oils Price Index |
PCEPI | PCE Price Index |
PDG | Private Debt To GDP |
PFMI | Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Index |
PHSIMM | Pending Home Sales Index, MoM |
PHSIYY | Pending Home Sales Index, YoY |
PI | Personal Income |
PIN | Private Investment |
PIND | MBA Purchase Index |
PITR | Personal Income Tax Rate |
POP | Population |
PPI | Producer Price Index |
PPII | Producer Price Index Input |
PPIMM | Producer Price Inflation, MoM |
PPIYY | Producer Prices Index, YoY |
PRI | API Product Imports |
PROD | Productivity |
PS | Personal Savings |
PSC | Private Sector Credit |
PSP | Personal Spending |
PTE | Part Time Employment |
PUAC | Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Claims |
RAM | Retirement Age Men |
RAW | Retirement Age Women |
RCR | Refinery Crude Runs |
REM | Remittances |
RFMI | Richmond Fed Manufacturing Index |
RFMSI | Richmond Fed Manufacturing Shipments Index |
RFSI | Richmond Fed Services Index |
RI | Redbook Index |
RIEA | Retail Inventories Excluding Autos |
RPI | Retail Price Index |
RR | Repo Rate |
RRR | Reverse Repo Rate |
RSEA | Retail Sales Excluding Autos |
RSEF | Retail Sales Excluding Fuel |
RSMM | Retail Sales, MoM |
RSYY | Retail Sales, YoY |
RTI | Reuters Tankan Index |
SBSI | Small Business Sentiment Index |
SFHP | Single Family Home Prices |
SP | Steel Production |
SPI | Sugar Price Index |
SS | Services Sentiment |
SSR | Social Security Rate |
SSRC | Social Security Rate For Companies |
SSRE | Social Security Rate For Employees |
STR | Sales Tax Rate |
TA | Tourist Arrivals |
TAXR | Tax Revenue |
TCB | Treasury Cash Balance |
TCPI | Tokyo CPI |
TI | Terrorism Index |
TII | Tertiary Industry Index |
TOT | Terms Of Trade |
TR | Tourism Revenues |
TVS | Total Vehicle Sales |
UC | Unemployment Change |
UP | Unemployed Persons |
UR | Unemployment Rate |
WAG | Wages |
WES | Weapons Sales |
WG | Wage Growth, YoY |
WHS | Wages High Skilled |
WI | Wholesale Inventories |
WLS | Wages Low Skilled |
WM | Wages In Manufacturing |
WPI | Wholesale Price Index |
WS | Wholesale Sales |
YUR | Youth Unemployment Rate |
ZCC | ZEW Current Conditions |