AMC - Meme's abound - Entering Sells to 52

Par HK_L61
Apes are celebrating as they should. Up hundreds of percent since January.

The 4M HODLers of AMC are an interesting group, believing their own BS.

It remains Wall Street mind control of a magnitude unseen in Investing History.

We are going to build the SELL into 52s looking for the Chimps to HODL further
and swallow the SEC Dark Pool investigations... Short Float, Familia HODL and
Belief AMC is a viable Operating Business.

AMC is simply another Mass Delusion of Crowds.

A zombie Company, a speculative frenzy, with outsized participation(s).

The Larger Daily GAP remains @ 18.46, the SMAs/EMAs remain 12 - 16.

Bitcoin Payment Systems for Tickets is the New MEME.

A comedy of its own and Mutual assured destruction.

HK's strategy remains the same, $32 is the Line in the Jungle.

We intend to continue Bombing the Jungle with SELLs into this

AMCapesChart PatternschimpsFundamental AnalysisjunglemonkeysTrend Analysis

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