Opening (IRA): BITO August 16th 20 Short Put

Par NaughtyPines
Mis à jour
... for a 1.13 credit.

Comments: Adding a rung out in August at strikes better than what I currently have on, selling the 25 delta strike.


BPE/Break Even: 18.87
Max Profit: 1.13 ($113)
ROC at Max: 5.99%
50% Max: .57 ($57)
ROC at 50% Max: 3.00%

Will generally look to take profit at 50% max/roll out at 21 DTE if it hasn't hit the TP by then.
Trade fermée manuellement
Taking profit before /BTC rollover, closing for a .67 debit. .46 ($46) profit.
Beyond Technical Analysisbitooptionsstrategiespremiumsellingshortput

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