Alt Season is coming to an end for now...

Far too often ideas are shared on this platform and there is no accountability. Feel free to come at me and hold me accountable. It's impossible to be right all the time but I do believe great traders have a way of being on the right side more often than not.

Bitcoin has undergone several weeks of consolidation and its time to turn the spotlight back towards the Dominance of Bitcoin. That being said I'm a firm believer and huge holder of ETH as well.
Look for BTC to gain more of the market share the next couple months as media begins a slew of new institutions that will be announced soon.

Been getting tons of emails and questions about trading so I will say this for now..

1- Start where you are with what you have. Investing is a marathon not a sprint. I made my fortune from buying a slew of Bitcoin and ETH over a 5 year span. It takes tons a patience and dealing with lots of highs and lows. You always work to better your avg on your longterm holding.

2- Play the long game. If your trying to get rich in weeks/months and not years you will end up sorely disappointed. Making life changing money involves buying strategic dips and holding for the long term. Ask yourself this question... How long have I been trading crypto? How much money have I spent so far on investing in Crypto? Would I have made more money just buying and holding? I would bet that most of you would be sitting on more money with that approach.

3- Enjoy the process. I can tell you after selling some holdings near Christmas and making life changing money, my life if mostly the same. The success doesn't change you. The real fulfillment comes from a journey of ups and downs and being proven right in time. Stay the course and lengthen your time Horizon. Be Patient it works.

Look for the Spotlight to be turned more on Bitcoin this week as many of the gains and money from alts flow in. This isn't necessarily what I want to happen its just the weather being reported to you.

Have a great week traders.
altseasonBeyond Technical AnalysisbitcocryptoCryptocurrency

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