Crypto spam box 5. Zzzzz.

Mis à jour
Making this new idea to post random thoughts. Checking every day where crypto is going.
For now BTC is in the 8600-9750 range, there's an uptrend on the 4hour chart as long as the 8863 higher low is held.

I don't think I'll look that much at crypto as it is spending so much time in consolidation & pretty likely there's going to be a long drawn out fall (until proven otherwise).
To me it's just lazy young adults that don't want to work and hope to get rich quick with the help of luck and right now the space is full of baghodlers that are desperate to break even and all these people will "never give up" (the most impatient "internet" people that humankind has ever had ye gl with that one).
And these shitcoin pump chasers! They're the worse! :D Hey since they keep taking 30% they're all millionaires at least right? That's alot of millionaires.
Rather than waste my time waiting for burgerflippers to buy or sell once whales have decided where to move BTC or whatever shitcoin that depends on BTC anyway, I'll look more at other markets & check on crypto once in a while, but always ready to jump in shall it start moving out of ranges and run into major supports or resistances.

Looking at that range for now. As well as that trendline I posted in this idea.

Don't get all excited because some random line gets broken thought, has never really meant much other than a little pump...
Every generation makes the exact same mistakes they never learn.
Or they learn what they want to learn like "it always recovers we'll end up rich"... so many markets have never recovered lol.

*Note to self: remember to look at fib.
From Excavo idea.
"The bear markets have 3 stages: a sharp drop, growth and a slow long-term decline. Often, after a sharp fall, traders react with a rebound and a slight increase. After this jump, however, there is a flat and long long-term downward trend." Bob Farrell
I had another great quote but don't remember it.

If 6000 to 11788 wasn't that growth part (but I doubt it) it's going to be boring.
So much money to make in forex actually while noob markets do nothing, not a problem for me. I call noob markets crypto and stocks, that get these bull traps and repetitive market cycles, because they're mostly populated with retail investors, which are no unarguably no more than hairless monkeys no offense intended towards monkeys.

4HR inside candle bear break.
We're not respecting the usual fibo EW habits, well there's also that giant candle messing it up.
Where I live the weather got so bad, rainy with strong freezing wind, sooo bad. It was summer a few days ago.
Maybe this means the hype is over and we can finaly move down?

About gold, I personally don't think we'll visit the low ~6000 and bounce to 11k that many times, this generation that is into crypto don't have that much patience, if something doesn't go their way they just swipe right.
What he said:
BTC 4 Hour Lower High, Lower Low

Going to be slow and boooring just as I expected every one agrees on that regardless of direction it goes. I hope we're all wrong and it moves.

Rofl when I quit playing league of legends with these losers that don't comprehend they got humiliated and "never surrender" and drag out games foreeeever and eeeever because "we got late game never know" (I just ended with a 20k Shaco build 1v5 their team np) these people stuck in the same trash elo for 5 years keep "never surrender" you'll go far boy; I thought that mentality was restricted to no life gamers lol.

That backfired so hard on me. I wanted to kick the slug nest but now they're holding on my leg and won't let me gooooo XD

If it doesn't improve I might flat out take all my money out of crypto and give up on this market. If we go down then get in a new range for 6 months etc till we reach the bottom at lets say 500$ and that takes 3 years as the baghodlers slowly die it's counterproductive to play with crypto, better trade something else.
You're not making money if you wait 6 months for a move.
The slow fall is too painful to watch anyway tbh.

We can go 1 million thought because remember how powerful BTC is:
"It will kill banks and big insitutions we have the power now"
"The banks and big institution will come and pour money in"
10/10 excellent logic wp guys.
At 8% profit now on the BTC I used to open a position.
Eeem I guess they can wait as long as they want if I'm getting free money.

Another fun fact and quote.
On trading view crypto is 5 times more popular than any other asset.
In the public it's even worse.
"Public hasn't joined yet when they do this is going to explode".

In previous years we had weeks of going nowhere so be ready!
Hope BTC doesn't beat his time record of not moving XD

But seriously, look at this:
The way to the moon

Remember these trendlines ALWAYS get retested after being passed through.
Sure this may be the very first time it doesn't happen, but good traders go for what the odds point to. And if out of dozens of broken trendline they always got retested (those I checked at least!) the odds are this one will to.

Let's look more precisely:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the correlation goes in this way:
Currencies (usd) ==> Commodities ==> Bond prices ==> Stock market ==> Crypto

Could be interesting looking at what direction every thing is going now.
Crypto has been correlated recently, so it actually became legit ;)
Was looking at crypto "advantages".
Can't find many...
* It's the perfect anti fiat system, you keep your purchasing power when governments go crazy and it's a safe haven during financial turmoil: You just described gold. Crypto is even more volatile in financial turmoil.
* It's fast and cheap: Visa is faster and cheaper than most crypto's while being used 1000 times more.
* Ease of access = anyone can buy and hold some easilly: True dat! Probably the main reason why so many people have some and why it went up so much in % when it became easy to acquire.
* It prevents fraud, transactions cannot be counterfeited: Yes! Only hard forks can break that rule. Doesn't stop the fraud from finding other ways to happen thought.
* You can do what you want with your money it's decentralized: Tell that to the idiots that lost millions by error/"human mistake". 99% people highly likely to fail at some point. Either lose their wallet (& password etc), or make a transaction to the wrong address.
* Anonymous: Very appreciated by criminals such as money launderers pedophiles terrorists. "Muuh but the usd is used by them muuuh crypto".
* The blockchain is amazing: No one found a usage in 30 years apart for a massive ponzi scheme. For now and probably a very long time there's no point in having a gigantic exponentially growing database on every one's computer. It's as useful and convenient as flying ships for 1 person.
* It's decentralized no one can bottleneck us: 5 people control 80% of BTC hashrate :)
* It redistributes wealth from the rich to the poor: A handful of whales own 40% of the supply and the herd come and gives them money. And you expect billionaires to come last and throw money at the public? Really that dumb? How does this argument even exist? They became billionaires by throwing their money at morons?
Ok I just learned about the beanie babies bubble and I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

Makes Tesla and Bitcoin bagholders sound like geniusses.

stock market Gold Beanie babies Crypto Dotcom (special mention qualcomm) South sea Tulips stock market again that other one I forgot Real Estate Mississippy company Silver Oil Japan Railway Mania Florida Real Estate Bubble Kuwait’s Souk al-Manakh stock bubble Subprimes 1987

That it? All the bubbles where complete amateurs thought they'd make money and lost their pants?

Now that every thing is correlated and all and dot com stock market crypto all up up up maybe 2018 the year where all bubbles pop at the same time XD

Greedy people just get what they deserve don't hate on me don't feel sorry.
Still on the downtrend started yesterday:

Also, this:

Now that crypto exploded and it's mainstream, totally correlated to the rest!
Pretty cool if you ask me.
Europe Central bank is spreading FUD on Bitcoin.

Oh I can't wait 10 years from now when we're all driving flying tesla cars that we bought with our Bitcoin and 1 Bitcoin = 1 tesla share = 1 million dollar.
It's the future and it will change the face of the world forever! People in 10 years will be SORRY they didn't join our sect.

Not delusional at all.

Crazy people take a loooong while to learn their lesson... This won't be over in 2018 I can guarentee it with 99% certainty.

I believe markets in general have to retest the long term supports and a still have a long way down to go. But can't tell for sure. Not 100% and I'm a day/week trader wtf do I know. It's probably going to happen thought.
A couple bagholder quotes to keep you entertained :)

I read somewhere 30% muricans owned stock. If this is true wow, that's alot.
There's sooo many bagholders everywhere also. Damn.

Someone made a thread in Tesla forum where he told people he was shorting it and wanted a constructive conversation, boy did that escalate quickly XD’m-a-short-seller.114113/

All of these bagholders little clubs are all the same. Bitcoin Arconic Tesla whatever... doesn't matter, the reactions are all the same they join on a bull market and think they're living a revolution, get dumped on then hate on short sellers and blame them, see a green candle think it's going back up and buy more (often on credit) to lower their average and "win no matter what" then it drops again... they end up with debts they can't pay sell at a large loss etc...
Blame wall street/banks/shortie.

It's just here to see, always the same story, this is why I have very little doubt as to BTC near future, I'm at least 99% sure. And if I'm wrong then I'll make plenty of money will comfort me about being wrong :)
Oh ETH made it to baholder quotes hahaha how nice!
“I thought these couldn’t do gown again. When moon?”
“I want the loaf not crumbs.”
“Just wake up. Why this fall too fast?”
“Got fucked with TVIX now with this.”
“It was obvious this was going to happen after the past few days of gains. No worries from me. Just a little bump in the road.”
“By far the best investment you can ever make. People all over the world are waking up from 9-5 Slavery created by Fraud Bankers.”

Gosh I just love the 'no worries for me' and 'little bump on the road' quotes.
Personal favorites.
Every single stock has one of these, just look for it on reddit twitter you'll find at least 1 person that says that.

Rofl I like this one “This will be bigger than Coke.” (From some shitstock).

Soooo there are hundreds of group of people that think what they invested in is "the revolution". I wonder if they can all be right?
OMG this one killed me!

Funny, I heard the exact same thing about ripple and tron not so long ago.
Someone spammed me with PM's about Vechain too.
I was supposed to regret it my whole life if I didn't buy Ripple at 2.50 or TRON at 20 cents.
Also was supposed to be waiting for BTC to be as low as 10k my whole life.


But you know, out of all these very very very bad investors there are a few that will get lucky, and they will be sure to tell every one how right they were and how they know everything better than anyone else and even give interviews and seminars etc. Very often they end up losing it all since they are complete shit.
When that happens they don't tell anyone and give interviews thought :}

(It's not called the spam box for nothing, make sure to turn your notifications off).
Dear god...
I must say I disagree with this quote. Multi billion mcap company too...
Remind me never to trade anything else than top cryptos/stocks/forex pairs/commodities.
And another... I could find thousands of examples and link the quote from a bagholder from their forum or reddit or some newspaper or twitter.
How is this different from buttcoin by the way?

Same shit over and over and over and over. Maybe I'll "miss out" on something that goes up but I won't fall for thousands of scams... (Like I need to "not miss out" and ride the train to the moon, like I can't make consistant gains with good TA).

And over and over and over and over...
But wait! There's MOAR!
Celgene corp down to 70 billion mcpa, but this expert investor that provides education and has a patreon knows best:
"CCELG serious fucking games being played here. Only big players can make that happen. Someone wants it lower"
Ohh ye boy it's wall street they want your bag so badly they dream of it. Demand is super high, they're just manipulating to buy cheaper.

"Buy all you can afford.....and thank me on Friday" <3

CEO's are often bagholders and very mad. Elon Musk regularly taunts shorters when his company goes up.
I bet the one that sold at the top and closed at a large profit are reaaaaally mad.

Bagholder so pissed :}

The rage, death threats!:

There's actually some (scientific research) papers about bagholders: current versions/AreInvestorsReluctant.pdf

It's amazing that the same sentences come back all the time.
Wow can this be real...?
"Yeh, it's down close to 91%, but it's on margin, it's not my money." GPRO
Screenshot proof:

Videos of 2 excellent traders with alot of viewers (can't believe this is real but it probably is):
Very sunny weather : goes way up.
Average weather: consolidates.
Cold rainy windy weather: downtrend.
The weather is horrible btw, I was out a few hours ago I thought I would die in the cold. And wet feet...uhh that's the worse.
Well... number 2 it is.

It has to bounce at some point.
Going to bed hope my 8600$ alert won't wake me up lol.
Moved down so brutally lol
The longs from the top must be pissing themselves.
But at least they didn't risk missing out.
Some whales got liquidated for millions...
Bitcoin still in nothing more than an oversold RSI bounce, and anything below 9350 will be a lower high.

Found this on the internet, I think it's important to be aware of this, "big money" can be very very bad too. It's not "they" know every thing and "they" always win.
Some pretty bad money managers out there...

Of course, the reputation that retail investors are bad market timers isn’t always fair, and neglects the fact that professional money managers — the so-called smart money — are also susceptible to buying high and selling low.

Research has shown that equity prices tend to fall following large flows into equity exchange-traded funds and, conversely, tend to rise after equity ETFs post heavy outflows. But unlike mutual fund flows, which are almost entirely driven by retail investors, ETF flows are 60% institutional in nature.

“I don’t think institutions are all that smarter,” said David Santschi, chief executive at TrimTabs Investment Research Inc. in California. “I wouldn’t make that generalization.”
Farmer Yang invested ALL of his life savings + his family money + borrowed to buy on leverage to buy stocks. He lost it all and now owes money to the brokerage, but he's not like many chinese that "only" lost everything and are waiting for the government to bail them out by buying massive amount of shares from the great companies they are invested in.

You, know why aim for making 100% off half your life savings, that would be a shame, it's way betetr to put everything and more so you get more money. If the stock goes up don't sell thought, why would you? It's going up! Only an idiot would sell. And if it goes down let it recover it can't keep falling!

An amazing story, with plenty of screenshots from the baghodlers forum:

These braindead people...They don't listen to any advice, probably too complicated for them.
Could they AT the very least if they're being greedy and dumb as hell, at the very very least, purchase several stocks, not all in just one? So they don't end up shaking tins when it goes down. At least they'll get hit once and be more careful with their other investments.

These people are the reason why I get spammed with "Bla bla bla carries risks" messages that eat half the screen every where I go and have to fill 25 agreements about how I acknowledge the risk if I want to sign up at some broker.
Expert investors that totally know what they're doing showing off and explaining why this stock cannot fial. They are profitable after all! Totally impossible they go down.

A while later, after the bankrupcy filling :) :

I need to find more bagholder forums.

Bought AMD at 15$ almost ath.

I checked OP profile he is also interested in Tesla model 3 it would seem.
Well maybe he learned his lesson and is going to buy at the lowest.


What he bought went up hard by now, I don't know if he held or sold, if he held and is in the green it's skill not luck! (Too lazy to check his profile from months ago)

Subreddit providing emotional support to bagholders, among other things.
A place where you can lose money with friends (that's the motto of /r/investing)
About AMD. Oh they're in for a great surprise with AMD ^^
"I lost a kind man, an intelligent man..."

Bad at investing, bad at trading, stupid mistakes over and over, but he damn well knows crypto's are the future!
(Too long for me to read tbh)

A bit different but the same at the root tbh:

A random fat dude promises "get rich quick" gets 200 million users.
Their money? Aaaaand it's gone.
200 million for "get rich quick" this is amazing.
But don't forget, a handful of donkeys made money because they held and trusted whatever they were doing, soooo go hold no matter what be strong and believe in miracles, works great! ** Rocky music playing in the background **
Never surrender never give up the ones that hodl will be rewarded when the blockchain replaces the fabric of the universe and Bitcoin reaches his 100% guarenteed target of $1 million.
Is it... bullish divergence?
Possible bounce to make us wait even longer.
On the daily, still in same range, has to go down further before there's a lower low, but some supports were lost RIP:

Zooming out and removing MA's so everything is visible:
Stock market started taking a shit and day just began.
Let's see where this ends...
Rip stocks Rip bitcoin told you so. Too early?
Check the top subreddits by number of subscribers.
Bitcoin is by very far the biggest one.
Very very popular.
You just don't get it, they might be legions, but they're all early adopters, because many many more will join the ranks. No scam no ponzi everyone will be rich.
Going to post that in their subreddit later anjd see how fast it gets removed :D
Where is muh money? Aaaaaaand its gone
This is what happens when the stock market takes a dump.
I hope it breaks the lower lows (and BTC too) I love to see people suffer.

At my job a few years ago people told me I was cruel and didn't have an ounce of compassion and since society rewarded that I would go far.
Little did they know... :}

If anyone saw the movie Dinosaur (2000), the whole movie or almost Kron wanted to leave the weak behind and just march forward for survival.
Well the whole movie I was on Kron side, most people don't want to hurt their wlittle feewlings but that's how things work lol.
Hidden bearish div but I don't know if it's a big deal.
2 hours left till the candle closes... Will it manage to stay above the line?
Closing below should mean a drop tomorrow or the day after.

I don't know if something can be made out of this:
Kind reminder of what happened past summers for BTC :)
Sad thing is by then the bulls will have forgotten and will act like they didn't fall for bull trap so I won't even be able to humiliate them.
Good thing I saved some screenshots.
Kept the best for last :)

Let's see at what price the bagHODLers end up selling :)
Public involved = this rule is respected 99% of the time.

Ok I think that's enough examples. Don't need to post them all.
I have absolutely no doubt.
"But this time it's different" says the moron that goes for 1% odds.
"Hahaha I was right you got rekt I'm a legend" says the moron that got lucky.
"" Says the moron that didn't get lucky twice in a row.
Crypto going nowhere, FX majors going nowhere (the ones I look at that actually respect TA) even gold not tradable...
Gosh is there something?
Am I going to check ideas on TV for every single instrument till I find something?
Don't overtrade...but if there's NOTHING for several days... hard.
Won't take bad trades / low probability anyway if there's nothing everywhere I'll just wait and complain about it...

So BTC had a nice bounce since it was oversold & with bullish divergence, and now it's probably going to be several hours till we know if the uptrend continues or we lose the higher low. Aaaawww.

Someone just reminded me that the crooked banks got fined billions for selling (obvious scams) IPO's to the public during the wild scam times, and yet now they wouldn't touch ICO's with a stick.

ICO's are like "Ok so there's no project no team no nothing but this is the revolution trust us, hundred of ICO's every single one a revolution".
And "investors" are like "Ok I bought some useless thing with no value" "What?" Takes another gulp of Kerosene "Np broo I have a plan. I'll sell it higher to someone else"

Man I wish I knew if the "Aaaand it's gone" savedroid ICO guy was really kidding or if he exit scammed and only came back because it took his investors 15 minutes to find out where he was hiding.

Crypto was supposed to be unbreakable save the world and remove frauds...
"We don't need to trust someone it's trustless". Nope won't ever work.
A smart contract won't tell you if both parties are telling the truth only if transactions went unforged, scams still very possible and easier than before...

So a large capitulation that brings BTC below 1k could happen when people (finally) realize it's not this magical thing that will replace god and make us immortal super beings with infinite wealth... Sure taking them alot of time but it always takes time, people are veeery slow. And for sure people will laugh about it in 50 years as if they wouldn't have fell for it.

My lovely Prodeum is the exception thought, that's not a scam they'll come back. Penis!
Big news something happened!
Nah just kidding, just some more consolidation.
I sense...more consolidation.

Why are traders still interested in crypto? Because crypto exchanges are pretty with lots of color that look like fisher price? (especially binance)

There's no more volatility, let's get out of this useless market until it moves then get out again because it will consolidated for weeks again after moving.
My senses didn't betray me. 4HR inside candle.
On a bull break ==> goes test 9204, if it goes above that, uptrend continuation.
Bear break... Idk maybe this by itself would mean BTC is now on a downtrend for the end of the week.
Someone is looking to (privately) sell 2 million BTC can't even tell if it's troll or not...
No idea how someone could unload that many discretly without the price dropping.
A few donkeys getting all hyped and buying a couple dozen thousands on a fake pump won't do it...
If this is true dat guy/group is never unloading his bags.
"I'm a billionaire"
No you're not.
Your fake magical money isn't worth anything if there's no one to buy it. Sorry :p
To the moon!
Bitcoin has all the month of May and more to go up.
Could go far within 5-6 weeks.
Yo anyone remember me talking about the Pilip Morris bagholders a few weeks ago?
Hasn't really recovered yet. Looked like capitulation but still going lower.
No one makes money without working or taking risks.

I picked an example at random that was on the show Dirty Money.
This spans over years...

I can't tell with 100% certitude that's the exact whole story but news don't matter.
They're making billions in revenues so it's not like the company ceased to exist.

Only asset that doesn't follow these rules exactly is forex, but that market is full of banks and is super super efficient.

Every other asset give me any random name (not some tiny 500k mcap then it won't work) they'll look the same 99% of the time.
Only major fundamental reasons can change it, sometimes.
The chart tells a story and it hasn't changed in 500 years.
What I will do next is I will look at Bitcoin price 8 am London time, remove the first digit (so 9285 ==> 285), if it's above 500 I remove 500, and I look at top 500 stocks, and then the lucky one gets its chart reviewed, we'll see if there's the typical market cycles there.

I just took this list from wikipedia
Ordered alphabetically.
Number 206 is BEN Franklin Resources according to my text editor.

Had to go weekly here.
On the daily:

Reminder for BTC:
The FOMO people from back then had 7 months to "not miss out". They see a green candle in spring obvious BS they get all excited, yet when the opportunity is really there no one sees it XD
Don't tell too many people please. Well not that it would matter people can't help it. There's always a risk something dies when it's at the bottom like this obviously, there's no money with 0 risk.

See, if the bagHODLers don't capitulate we won't (99.999999%) get a bull market without dropping into accumulation zone at 200-300$ (or at least $1000 very optimistic and bullish scenario).

Ok that was fun, next one I'll look at will be same way BTC price - thousands at 11 am (in 10 minutes)

"But Bitcoin isn't a stock" ==> Gold silver oil etc work the same. Also, BITCOIN works the same lol (past years).

WOW WOW WOOOW Bitcoin moved half a percent in it's inside candle.
How exciting!
BTC went up 3000$ in April, plenty of potential to go up to 11k or more in may.
Could also get close to 9700 and that's it full stop.
Someone trading full time could make lots of money...
Short entries 11xxx 13xxx 10300 & maybe 9700?
Some people prefer go long and ride the wave up, they also often complain about losing.
If BTC goes to 10300 and I get ready to short big at 11xxx and Bitcoin never gets there I reserve the right to complain about extreme bad luck.
I'm so done.
Going to trade crypto based on the weather and what date it is XD
So dumb...
Ok daily rsi is pretty high I don't think we go much higher, at least not yet.
Can we go 8000 then bounce to 11k where I can short?
These greedy buyers that have been celebrating for 5 months and made no progress yet because they never close at a win making every thing go sooo slowly.

Crypto, the disadvantage of volatility without the advantages:
dead does not move no trading opportunity, yet within consolidation it moves 15% making it impossible to be used as a currency.

Good thing EURJPY got into my long zone. Going to be about 5-6 years till Bitcoin leaves 8600-9700 I predict. Maybe 7.
Im on phone now got no short order, I make money as it goes up it better not fall yet.
Ill check chart in 30 minute and see where to place short orders. Around 10300 I guess but maybe a bit lower too to secure my profit.
bearmarketBitcoin (Cryptocurrency)BTCBTCUSDSupport and ResistanceTrend Lines

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