New idea BTCUSD 42 days 53% profit.

Par PhiPhiPho
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In all honesty this is not based on much. Before the December super pump I was having success guessing where BTC would rise and to and then drop on its course to 20k. I used percentage calculations to guess where things would happen and it worked. I am hoping we are back to a position where we can do this again. So I will make a bold guess.

42 days, 53% profit, DYOR and go for a swim. Maybe some Tai Chi.

Look at A. I believe that A is at approximately the same position as we are now at B. I do not think we have momentum to reach ATH by C but I do think we can have broken cover to a fresh short term set of highs.

So buy now and have a sell set for around 13k. This will net 40% profit if buying at 9231. Again DYOR and perhaps set some short term sells for a bit of swing trading. Not my bag but godspeed.

The other lines are left from my previous prediction which I am waiting on :)

Here we go my friends :)
So this clearly did not work... I missed a horizontal thingy. Now for my next trick.
Chart PatternsHarmonic PatternsTrend Analysis

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