History repeats itself and human beings do not learn any lessons

Par mesutselimi
History repeats itself and human beings do not learn any lessons and experiences from it, dictators come and after reaching the highest point, after crossing the 70 line, they hit the human resistance line firmly, and their period of decline and fall begins and is destroyed. , Until the next dictator to cross the line 30 with the support of the same ignorant people begin to rise again.
And in the meantime, the capitalists and the economic powers and the whales, who have more coins, like the big social network companies and the big guns companies, are getting richer, but who is the victim of this game? and who is the victim the repetition of history? Yes that's right . Small traders and weak people who only strive for the right to life, these are the victims of this bitter game and the repetition of history, I hate the world of these two-legged animals
dictators_trend_analysisTrend Analysis
hello chastex

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