It seems like volatility is starting to enter the market again and people are starting to be fearful again. What will likely happen is during waking hours the market will drop while overnight feds will pump causing a lot of chop in the overall market. Meanwhile certain sectors will continue to get hammered while that occurs namely the airline sector.
I like this company because its not just invlved in training in civil aviation, but also involved in defense and security as well as healthcare education. Now I find it unlikely that AC will go bankrupt, but given the enviroments I can see how CAE will stand a better chance of surviving given that education is unlikely to die. While less pilots being employed likely means less pilots being trained and thus revenue there are many different streams of revenue that is not just limited to training commercial pilots. And if things ever get back on line I'm sure a lot of those pilots may need to be trained again. The entry points is just me being greedy but if things start getting uggly in the next couple weeks we may visit those gaps. where it will prove to be great entry point while people are in fear.