So funny the comments I get sometimes.
For example, one was. "LOL, so wrong".
What does such a comment tell us?
Well, this Trader has a lot to learn. For example, that it's not about wrong or right - right? ;-)
However, he's right...for now...ummmh...
And that's OK.
Let's see in which direction this loading "Battery" does unload, until the massive Pump in the market is over.
Yep, Pump!
Fund managers want to cash-in their bonuses at the end of the month/quarter.
So they recklessly pump the market higher with money from their clients, giving a shit about if markets dump afterwards and clients loose their money.
It's always, always the same Game.
Now what about COIN?
Watch how the S&P was pumped, and in contrast how they pumped COIN. Similar pattern.
But maybe COIN shoots to the moon when Cryptos reaching for the stars in a couple weeks or months?
I dunno....and the best of all, I don't need to know, because I just play the odds.
So no need for Ego, no need to be right. A well hedged portfolio, in the long run, is always "right"...right? §8-)
Love you all, also the LOLs