This chart of the DOW JONES was posted by Me a few days ago. Just a follow up of how things played out. Just look where it dropped from and and where it stopped exactly. I have REPEATEDLY explained to you all HOW.... WHEN.... WHYYYYY....
1. When you are Convinced of your work, when you are convinced of your set up.... you STOP asking people and follow your set up ONLY. You DO NOT follow the HERD, you stand away from it and follow a different direction. I cannot teach any of you how to trade by just posting charts and Indicators . BUT what I can do is to HELP you all. Eventually the person who will Rise/Fall is YOU. How badly it hurts when you fall is what You alone as an Individual can understand and no one else. The ONLY other person who will feel you PAIN is your MOTHER.
2. Instead of coming out into the markets and trying out your Luck at Gambling..... Do your home work 1st. There is enough material on the Net regarding EW. Trading is a SCIENCE and Not a CASINO
3. As stupid as I may sound, Yesterday I liquidated my entire portfolio. Why????? Let Us ASSUME I am completely WRONG. But here is the LOGIC to it. Assume that we are in the 1st LEG of another STRUCTURAL BULL CYCLE. We could very well be, and my markings are ALL WRONG, then what ???? It would ONLY Mean that we are in the 1st wave UP, BUT a 2 down will follow at some point. That is the GOSPEL TRUTH.... 12345. The 2 down is the Most LETHAL wave as it takes your PANTS off. It compels you to GET OUT of the Market. Well, I will wait for the 2 down to Complete with patience if I am wrong. At MOST, I'll loose a few hundred point??? SO BE IT. When the 2 down is happening MOST would have FLED the markets by then, this is where I will BUY at Lower rates.
Fundamental Analysis

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