1) Price closed bearish on the weekly, also closed below the previous weekly low, which is of major importance as we know, the large players in this business abide by the (law of the land) (protect and add to position), the weekly high as marked out as (origin) because it is the highest or cheapest price where there was a sell-click, the origination of that click, (remember the institutions SELL HIGH AND BUY LOW, they caused the rally and cause the collapse they are already positions and because they are positions and entered the market, is the same reason why price is now moving strong in their intended direction.

2) the (ORIGIN) being the high of the week, will most likely be protected if the (institutions are bearish), this gives us a foundation to work with.

3) we have marked out 3 potential zones, (sell-zones or supply-zones), why we have marked those out?, price cant move in one direction without pausing, basing, consolidating whichever term you want to use, they all refer to the same thing happening, price is pausing before the next impulsive move, these zones contain potential order in the form of pre-set limit orders, that were initiated by the institutions, price consolidates because that is the smartest way a BFI, can pile up a bunch of order, without moving price too much, notice how after every pause in price, you tend to see a strong impulsive move, surely this is logical right

4) after the pause in price you see the iniation of a sell-click, hence the move down, form the baseing zones i have marked out, There may still be sell-ofv sitting in these zones, if price were to return to these zones, it may trigger sell orders, and you may a move down, so i will be active in these zones on the lower timeframes

Beyond Technical Analysis

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