Pathetic excuses. Shameful. Losers.

Mis à jour
The more protests and laws and bribes they get, the worse off they end up.
Adversity Quotient = 0. This is what constant whining and blaming gets you. Absolute defeat.
Imagine being given everything and getting absolutely put to shame by people with the same skin, which you use as an excuse, coming from third world countries with plagues and everything.
Mobs of angry idiots are destroying history right now, ye that'll help. We are seeing right now why so many very important historical statues, tablets, books, etc have disappeared. Mobs of angry idiots.

It appears clear as long as corrupt politicians bend to their idiotic demands this will never end.
After the great depression I guess people will be tired of this and put their feet down, the US might even end up with a NAZI president & congress.

How does anyone ends up addicted to a victim mentality? To me that deserves no respect. Victim addicts are the humpback in 300.

White women earn less than migrant blacks, this is to be expected and perfectly normal, as well as the first millionaire woman in the US being black.
Got my own theory, white women evolved to stay at home to take care of the house and kids. Pale skin = cold winter duh.
Expecting equality when thousands of years of evolution did their thing, so stupid.

It's really the perfect exemple of how the loser mentality produces loser results.
The simple fact of whining and looking for excuses instantly makes anyone a turd and a huge loser.
Imagine being near the poverty line while third world country migrants make 50 grans a year on average. Ridiculous.

Now when the US collapses, and stops getting free stuff via the reserve currency scam, and stops getting an influx of indian asian and more migrants, and are left with communists, it's so going down (until the nazi take over, bad for human rights but good for the economy), while africa will retain it's ambitious youth. I saw somewhere that the biggest correlation to a country economic performance was how good the top 5% were, I'll make a separate idea about that, still part of my long term reconnaissance mission on Africa, which can easily have a meteoric rise like China up up up! (While Europe & NA have a meteoric crater).

I expect with moderate certainty "afro americans" to migrate to Africa once it starts doing well, if the USA really go down the rabid hole, start asking for free stuff and commit crimes and whine about the system, then learn a really harsh lesson, potentially a lesson about pogroms.

French police is protesting after some cuck minister that struggles to pronounce words with more than 10 letters bend over for the mob.
In France even the police protests, national sport here.
Every 4 years... I wish these idiot globalists would stop doing everything the USA does...

7 months left until we hear about the plans for the new world order, sure am curious...
Will they go down the path of pathetic excuses? There will never be an escape, when you are wrong and keep adding to your loser you know what happens...
The woke club are literally retail traders that are too stupid to figure out they are wrong and keep adding to their loser until it blows out of proportion (civil war / nazis).
I can't wait to see Disney bend the knee to nazis and say that we need a cleansing. Disgusting people.

Meanwhile the FED are collaborating with Blackrock to buy stocks and to enrich each other via inflation and even directly with taxpayer money...
They're all jewish, so guess who will get the blame? So one more reason to think the nazi will take over. Watching "ice cube" get progressively redpilled live, lmao.
I'm not a communist, I'm not a jew, I'm not black. They will absorb all the blame.
And even if they don't for some crazy reason, I can get a passport for 3 different countries. Feels good. Just as long as I keep predicting everything in advance, and get out before the herd does (there is no way I don't front run the herd, IMPOSSIBLE).

And "slavery reparations" sound very very very much like "war reparations", hard to believe it's not intentional.
EU is making all countries pay to "recover", but guess which ones will be huge net givers and which ones will be huger net recipients?
Looks like a perfect recipe for yet another Europe war. Well done with your EU to prevent war, big brain geniuses.

There is but 1 goal: Grow that account, get that house in a rural area + crops, build that bunker. Be ready in case, so we'll be singing "they're killing each other, and I'm just chilling in my bunker". Risk management.
Self Sustainability, a bit of gold & silver jewelry, some lasting food, all set. And pro tip: make sure to go out IN THE MORNING. That's when people with jobs are out, the angry mobs go out in the evening ;)
Going to publish a survival guide soon if this keeps on going.
Can find articles quoting it for free
Rapper Ice Cube just defended Trump about moving the date of his rally saying he did the right thing.
Told you he was getting red pilled haha.

I've heard and seen videos of Hells Angels & Mongols riding towards Seattle, and they're almost there, I don't know if it is true. If it is it will be alot of fun.
The "CHAZ" has drug users overdosing, lunatics running around with machetes, and so on.

University professors have come out and said the wokeness, the excuse finding, came from specific departments such as "gender studies" and certainly not STEM.
Obviously... All those useless departments that are a complete waste of money but universities let exist because student loans are guaranteed by politicians that want to get elected... Gullible suckers that take loans to waste years in those useless classes, end up with no reward at the end so I'd be pissed too, and hey if they are credulous enough to pay real money for useless degrees, they are credulous enough to eat up anything their teachers say. They're probably pushing for more "justice" which means more students paid for by the government which means more money for them and the university. All in self interest...

Veterans from british isles have started to go out to protect monuments.

Georgia Dem Will Introduce Bill That Classifies Attacks On Trump Supporters As Hate Crimes
What is he doing? Trying to reduce discontent?

Companies such as Disney have pulled out ads from FOX news Tucker Carlson show because he wasn't woke enough, but mypillow CEO said he wouldn't do this, and that all lives matter. I think it's the company that used its factories to build masks during the flu season this year.

Warner Music makes a $100 Million Donation to Black Lives Matter, gets a $100 Million Investment from Tencent (and remember BLM redirected that money to Biden & Bernie campaigns)
The EU has complained that Russia and China have promoted fake news during the flu season...
Was also found that hundreds of thousands of chinese twitter accounts pushing for racial divide, covid fake news fear, etc, I think I read the report said it was 150 times more than Russia, but I didn't look into it.
China is behind it all? Imagine my surprise!
What else? Soros gave money to violent Antifa groups? Nah, never!

A funny thing from CNN again, Chris Cuomo that every one probably knows by name now (brother of the governor), has for once used data to show that Trump is responsible for systematic racism in the USA.
'Xcept the genius used data that ends in 2016! LOL!

June 10: Walmart will no longer place "multicultural hair care and beauty products" in locked cases
June 12: Hundreds of looters (they're all black in the video) breaing into a Florida Walmart and stealing more than $100,000 worth in merchandise.

The public and even officials (or maybe they're just pretending) are finding out alot of covid-19 was a hoax.

There is just so much hilarous things going on, it's really hilarous.

Truck Drivers Say They Won’t Deliver To Cities with Defunded Police Departments.
R. I. P. What are they going to eat now? Hehe.

Just thinking of how many racists BLM will have cured by burning cities, destroying white heritage and rioting. I suspect it's all solved now. No more racism.

2020 is one of the best shows I have ever seen, hope they renew it next season. 🍿
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