Litecoin real base price 505 USD, more important than any TA

Par TheGoldenRider
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As long as no human-intended sell-off takes place within an instrument, the TA is a useful tool. It can give us direction and show tendencies. Markets always tend to be led irrationally. This is true in both directions.
However, the planned sell-off has already taken place and we only have to look at the fundamental values in order to invest successfully.

To evaluate an asset class, a simple trendline is not enough. A trend line only shows us a price trend of the past. This is a speculation on future growth. An increasing trend line means the same case also increased attention. Much more important today is to recognize which fundamental growth our plant currently has and will have in the future. The plant must be economically viable, it must be open to new technologies and flexible.

The price of a product is determined by its initials cost within a manufacturing process plus a necessary profit. Here, as well as the purchase of hardware but also their loss and depreciation, time or personnel expenses, marketing, sales, etc. must be included. This all makes the same case the base value, so the base price of a product. Additional surcharges are based on supply and demand, but never below the underlying. If companies around the world, regardless of their industry, were selling below the strike price, you would go bankrupt. The calculation basis is complex and would go beyond any scope here.

The current price for Litecoin is many times lower than the real value of the base price. Also, you are small investors and pay attention to this every time you sell. Do not let the sell slogans on Twitter, social media or telegram channels mislead you. But act with reason.
There are several ways to calculate value and profitability. I will publish the data transparently at the appropriate time. What I did is strictly a minimal bill. This means the same case, the more factors you take into account, the higher the real base price. What I do not want to do is to include these factors now. For one, the value would be beyond your imagination, and besides, I do not want to blind you.
I will bring you step by step and understandable on the result for the base price and what there is to be considered.
Tomorrow, I'll show you how to calculate and apply break even for your hardware. Then you see what you have given away so far. Forget all the calculations that are on the www. These only show the basics. In all calculator is missing a crucial point.
Transaction en cours
I'm ready so far. It took a little longer. It was'nt easy to write a detailed knowledge in a few words. Everything is explained in detail. I still have to translate this in a meaningful English.

Is there any interest here? A simple "yes" would suffice me.
Transaction en cours
Depot increased.
Transaction en cours
Today Depot increased again.
Transaction en cours
Oh yes, I had not written at all. Sorry I forgot. Last night, my depot was increased again. In this area this has been my last purchase.
Hey friends,

there was unexpected news. The Litecoin Foundation is a shareholder in a German bank. You will surely have heard it already.
This is probably the biggest surprise you could have expected. The bank itself is not that famous, but it does not matter. Much more important is the banking license and access to the interbank market.
This increases the real base price. I will have to look at it again, but I do not want to overestimate it. The range of Litecoin has increased significantly, even if the future has to show what is being implemented.

- the gateway to Europe
- access to the interbank market (possibly even access to central bank money)
- Financial instruments (investment fund, ETF)
- ATMs, bank account, credit cards

This is really a mega thing.

I am surprised and now have to look at everything for myself.
Fundamental AnalysisfundametalsLitecoin (Cryptocurrency)LTCTrend Analysis

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