NQ - 3PM Squaring... 100 Ticks comes off - Black Betty Hour

Sellers took the 3PM
Gift and dunked the
NQ for a Quick 100.

The close - 14658.50

Apparently, there remains
a group who do not want
to hold this mess too long,

And who can blame them,
they had a good RT 2Day
and managed to grab a
whole bunch o' Ticks from
the Pre-EU Session Open.

NYSE Open only served to
power higher on recycled
$'s from Jerry and PD's.

The VXN shook the lows
and promptly began to
grind up... Issue there as
they cannot prevent retail
from BUYING PUTs. Which,
of course, they did as IV

This provides further Fuel
for a continued RT possibly
up to the Ledge at 838.

We shall see, perhaps the
Dippers win one, unlikely
at this juncture.

NQ Structure is awful, the
Weekly looks as if it is staving
off the inevitable.

More fun to come as this
can turn on a Pin at any time.

It is truly a ticking Bomb ripe
to go boom boom.

Patience, let the symmetry
trade out.

Bank the Range.
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Clause de non-responsabilité