SPX 0dte Income Trading - Feb 23’22 4235/4230 Bull Put Spread

Par 0dteTraders
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SPX 0dte Income Trading - Feb 23’22 4235/4230 Bull Put Spread

💡 Feb 23’22 4235/4230 Bull Put Spread
$75 Premium Received (per contract)
80% Probability of Profit (at entry)
11:21 AM Time of Entry

Stop 2.5x Premium
Short strike is below the heavy put strike of 4250 (-48M Gamma Notional) and the previous sessions low. Expecting a range bound within the high and low of the previous session.

Could see another short cover rally if price reclaims 4300 (-66M Gamma Notional).

0dte or zero days to expiration refer to the last trading day for an option contract. The Chicago Board Options Exchange ( Cboe ) lists weekly options on the S&P 500 Index (SPX) with expirations every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Since most options expire worthless we take advantage of this by selling credit spreads to collect premium. Our option trading strategy allows us to profit if the market moves up, down or doesn't move at all.
✅ Consistent Cash Flow
✅ High Probability of Profit
✅ No Overnight Risk
Trade fermée: cible de profit atteinte
Exit 15
0dteBeyond Technical AnalysisFundamental AnalysisTechnical Indicatorsoption

Clause de non-responsabilité