SPY 40% profit on 2nd COVID-19 market drop

Long-term investment idea for ETF SPY on potential 2nd COVID-19 market drop.
SPY 40% profit / Long trade 241.98 -> 338.96 / TrailStop 48.49 of price amount
Profit: 40%, Risk: 20%, Risk ratio = 1/2
Allocation: 30% of the portfolio

See the full ETF balanced portfolio based on Yield/Risk maximisation in linked ideas:
SPY - 30% allocation, 40% profit
IHI - 15% allocation, 23% profit
SOXX - 15% allocation, 47% profit
VGT - 15% allocation, 41% profit
VUG - 25% allocation, 59% profit

All equities from our ideas was fundamentally checked and have good ratios (P/E, Debt/Equity, Sales past 5Y, Profit Margin) together with strong long-term up trends.

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