Weekly Outlook, AlphaOverBeta

Hello traders,
As we are approaching the end of this volatile week of trading, I would like to conclude it with these insights :
1. The fed proved once again they contribute to the short term volatility instead of doing their job and keep stability in the markets, firing their entire arsenal at a problem that is has a small financial base (and a big psychological base) is definitely an overshoot
2. Traders are pricing the slowdown that we are facing (and will continue to) following the government reaction to the coronavirus, this will stay at least unto Q2
3. Oil prices are too low, selling it at these ridiculous prices will hurt oil-related companies bottom line, cheap is not always good
4. The market will recover, participate and don't anticipate.
Trade smartly,
Alon, AlphaOverBeta
alphabetaBeyond Technical AnalysisfederalreserveTechnical IndicatorsOilsnp500SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) Technical AnalysisTrend Analysis

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