Attention, attention!
This is your volatility talking!
We request you to take note of this:

The next two weeks could be volatile because of the Electoral College in the US. The hard Brexit is also hot. Corona is off the air.
The Xth LockDown (then until Easter) will not be relevant until after Christmas.

Until then, the following universal recommendation from the leader's bunker (Führerbunker) applies:

Regularly observe the VIX or VXX and
thereby two times Happy Birthday buzzes.
As soon as doubts arise, rather avoid the contact with the stock exchanges or
for your own security take a hedge position.

Related to the indices:
What does not want to rise - that falls,
or what was the saying?

End of the announcement.
Chart PatternsTechnical IndicatorsTrend AnalysisVIX CBOE Volatility IndexVXX
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