acheter maintenentgrace au cassure tres forte de vwap par la bougie verte et la bougie forme marteau avant qui renverser la baisse,donc on a une impulsion haussier.garder et acheter autres dans votre port feuille.Longpar aarabsaid510
acheterla bougie verte casse le vwap avec force correspond a une volume inportant c-a-d il y a un signal tres fote d'achat,garder et acheter d'autre dans votre porte feuille.Longpar aarabsaid510
ALMARAI COALMARAI CO This stock is experiencing a very strong bullish wave, which increases the likelihood of buying Longpar ELHASSANE-TRA0
METHANOL CHEMICALS COMETHANOL CHEMICALS CO This stock is experiencing a very strong bullish wave, which increases the likelihood of buying Longpar ELHASSANE-TRA0
ZAHRAT AL WAHA FOR TRADING COZAHRAT AL WAHA FOR TRADING CO This stock may know a good bullish curve, which increases the opportunity to buy now during this week Longpar ELHASSANE-TRA0
almarai.coalmarai co must be purchased on October 08, 2020. bullish signal with the green candleLongpar milkos28890
BANK ALJAZIRA, DAILYTADAWUL:1020 keep this stock forcefully in your portfolio and buy moreLongpar Tahar-SALIM1
BANK SAUDI FRANSI, DAILYTADAWUL:1050 I recommend all who are interested in bank saudi fransi to enter it in their portfolioLongpar Tahar-SALIM1
BANK ALJAZIRABANK ALJAZIRA This stock will witness a very strong bullish wave during this week and until this month, and accordingly there is an opportunity to buy at a very high ratepar ELHASSANE-TRA1
THE COMPANY FOR COOPETATIVE INSURANCEThe trend is trending upwards, and it would be profitable to buy this stock.Longpar joanequenum0
SAUDI WHITE CEMENT COThe trend is trending downwards, and it would be profitable to sell this stock.9Shortpar joanequenum0
SAUDI ELECTRICITYعملاق الكهرباء ، يظهر نمط شراء جيد جدا على المدى الطويل ، انتعاش على دعم قوي في Weeckly تم منذ وقت ليس ببعيد. ويؤكد اختراق المقاومة يوميًا هذا بأحجام جيدة جدًا. في Weeckly واليومية ، يُظهر الأخير أيضًا حجمًا جيدًا جدًا. من المقرر شراء السعودية في الأيام والأشهر القادمة. The electricity giant, showing a very good long-term buying pattern, bounced off solid support at Weeckly not too long ago. A daily breakout of resistance confirms this, in very good volumes. On Weeckly and Daily, the latter also shows a very good volume. Saudi Arabia will be bought in the coming days and months Longpar quentinenioMis à jour 1
Babk aljaziraThis bank will know a bullish wave, which is a good opportunity to buy during this month BANK ALJAZIRApar ELHASSANE-TRA0